So. THing about me. My dad used to yell at me all the time for crying. All the time. So i basically stopped, except for cases where i totally broke down.
Recently? I've been crying. A lot. I don't know if I'm reverting back to my normal state, as a crybaby, as i get more in touch with emotions and stuff i learned to bury.... or if i'm just THAT messed up right now. Either way, I don't seem to have any ability to control it, and I end up making people around me feel bad.
I've managed to stop sobbing so LOUDLY, because I know it makes others feel like I'm manipulating them - which maybe there's some truth to, since. When I'm sad, I really feel the need for attention/want people to come comfort me. But I know intellectually it's bad, and I've tried very hard to stop.
Still. I can't seem to stop crying, lately, at every little thing...............................