My run has come to an end. Working at a dealership has been the most amazing experience I've ever had. I was able to surround myself with some of the most amazing people that I can now call friends. I used to think that sales people would be the most uptight and shallow people, but I was wrong. They were the most real people I ever met.
They came from different backgrounds like I did. The crew that I started out with accepted me as I was. Despite putting an invisible wall between me and them, eventually I opened up and accepted them as my family. They didn't gave up on me. I had a lonewolf mindset in the beginning, but at the end I was the one hurting when I had to go. Having to walk away from my brothers and sisters because I wasn't making enough sales and also having the unfortunate luck of being a victim of circumstances was rough.
My coworkers were everything and the people I met everyday were all wonderful, but the hardest part to let go of was my crush. She watched over me and made sure people came to see me. She was my assistant. From the beginning this red headed beautiful brunette caught my attention. I spoke to her every time I got a chance outside by the break room. I got to know her a bit and she seemed very much like myself. We had similar taste in music and we both were lost and stranded in this world. I didn't confess to her until yesterday when I had to resign. I told her I wanted to take her out sometime and asked if she was single or married, but she told me she was somewhere in between. I still don't know what that means, but we hugged it out and said goodbye.
I am hurting. I am tired but can't sleep. I've been awake thinking about what I lost. I've been thinking about the douchebag I was in the beginning to my coworker when I told her that I don't need friends. At the end she was my sister and I am sure she cried a tear when we hugged. The guy who I didn't see eye to eye in the beginning also became my brother... with time. And I saw pain in his eyes when I told him I was leaving. This lifestyle was a part of me. The dealership job sucked but the people were the reason I came back everyday. Now it's over. All I can say is that I am sure I'm going to see them plenty of times in the future, but still the sense of grief is REAL. And it is worth it. I'd rather love and hurt than go a thousand years without love in my life.