I lost my grandma this morning to a heart attack and I literally saw the life leave her body, she raised me from the time I was 4 and I'm 18 now. I'm handling this not very well, I guess this was a trigger for me not only am I grieving but I'm afraid of that happening to me, any time my chest hurts I'm freaking out can someone please ease my mind, I'm trying to stay calm for her and me. My heart beats fast anyways so that freaks me out also, it's just a mess lol thanks in advance
Grief : I lost my grandma this morning... - Anxiety and Depre...

May her memory be a blessing.
IF you were there when she transitioned out of her physical body you were blessed by the angels to witness this important part of the cycle of life.
Today you just have to do the "next thing". One choice at a time. Make good choices.
She raised you well, you know what to do and you can and will do your best.
Just make the next decision. Like go take a shower, call xyz, ask for someone to help with xyz...........
This is the best time for you to share how you feel with people in person. Stay off the screen for the next 6 hours and stay present in the moment and allow yourself to feel what you are feeling.
Write in a journal until your hand can not write any more, OR and talk and cry and get it out. Grief is real and it goes away, too.
It's ok to cry you loved her.
You’re only 18 it’s very rare for an 18 year old to have a heart attack, if you are too worried maybe go to the doctor to get it checked to ease your mind. Also I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my grandma about 8 years ago but it gets better with time you learn to cope x
I'm so sorry for your loss!! This a hard time for you and you are perfectly allowed to grief in whatever way you are feeling and it's okay, in fact it's good to get it all felt and after awhile you will be feeling much better. Sending you a fifteen minute hug!!!
I am so terribly sorry for your loss, misfitt. You have been given good advice by the others on our site. Give yourself the time you need to grieve. We all do in our own way.
Now might be the time for you to take that Xanax that your doctor prescribed. Just to get you through the next several days as well as helping to bring down your fears.
When someone we love passes, it is easy for our anxious mind to think this may happen to us as well. You are young, you have youth on your side. Your grandmother had a whole lifetime of memories as you will as well. Know that she will always love you and watch over you and guide you through life. My deepest condolences xx
Do you have friends or other family you can be around for a while? Your body is reacting in shock and trauma, our bodies are capable of handling a lot. You definitely need emotional support right now. Churches always have their doors open too, and hospitals provide bereavement support
I’m so sorry to hear that sad news about your grandma. I’m sure she’ll be up in heaven watching over her granddaughter. It’s sure heartbreaking to have someone you love dearly gone—but God has a plan for all of us—and He has chosen your grandma to join Him in His kingdom. As for your anxiety, anytime you feel your heart racing, just step back and take deep breaths. Doing that will calm you down. Have you tried yoga or meditation? Those might help.
First of all I am so sorry. And although this was a traumatic experience for you to witness you should shift your mindset and instead of thinking, "I had to see my Grandma pass away" think, "I GOT to see my Grandma pass away." This might sound weird so let me explain. I shared a similar experience to you back in February of this year. My Grandpa was my best friend and ended up in the hospital due to a spinal infection. We thought he was going to be discharged one day and so my family and I were in the hospital when he quickly and dramatically declined health and memory wise and ended up dying right in front of me. It all happened so fast. At first, I was really shaken up by watching someone so close to me literally die in front of my eyes, and then I realized, how amazing it was that I was able to hold my Grandpa's hand and be in his presence as he took his last breath. I don't know exact details of how your morning went, but I hope soon after your grieving process shifts, the fact you were with your grandma and got to be with her until she left this world makes you feel most blessed. Many people get phone calls and texts with news of a death or tragedy, but you were able to comfort your Grandma in person until the very end. She is no longer suffering, but I know you are with your mourning process. A lot of people told me this when my Grandpa died and I will tell it to you. How blessed you are to have loved someone so deeply... your pain and sorrows reflect this. But it is worth it to have someone mean so much to you than to feel nothing at all. And the memories you have will be with you forever. Please reach out if there is anything else you would like to talk about!
Thank you all so much, i'm having a really hard time sleeping if you have any tips please help
I'm very sorry for your loss, You are a very brave young person. I admire you. Sending you lots of hugs and prayer. 😇🙏❤️