I tried to watch a movie with my sister tonight but now I’m on the floor crying. I thought I had a good day but now I just feel like shit again. I don’t understand why the earth is here and why humans exist and it’s driving me crazy. My mind won’t stop and I just want it to. What if my therapist and medicine can’t change that?
Idk: I tried to watch a movie with my... - Anxiety and Depre...

Hi Gail
These are very common symptoms of anxiety and depression. Feeling like you can't be helped and there is no hope is what makes them so terrible. For me, it was like being in the fog and it seems like there is now way out. The reality is the sun is shining not far off in the distance, you just can't see it:). A good therapist, medication (if needed) and commitment on your part and you will improve. It is a journey that will have up's and downs but you'll come out the other side a much stronger and happier person.
What made you cry initially. Was the movies the trigger or maybe your sister. Or is it just something that came on suddenly. Sometimes I will get an intense sense of sadness suddenly but it will be fleeting. Same with happiness and then pure lack of emotion.
Gail, I’m sorry this is happening to you. I don’t know if something happened recently to trigger what’s been going on or if its brand new. Try and focus on one day at a time. I know its hard when you’re brain is all over the place. Try some meditation, there are many apps that you can download. BREATH. You WILL get through this and it sounds like you’ve got a supportive family. I’ll say some extra prayers for you as well, hon.
I'm with the others... I sense there's a trigger here somewhere. When your mind clears up a bit (and it WILL), look for what might have been your depression trigger. Thanks for sharing yourself with us. We can all relate.
It’s a nightmare when you can’t control emotions, have you let your therapist know you are struggling