Hi everyone. I'm new here, but I've been reading posts over the last few days and I really appreciate this community and the way everyone props each other up (is it obvious I missed the horrible behavior a month or so ago?). I'm at a stressful time in my life and have several different fears and anxieties affecting me. I haven't seen a doctor about anything yet because I haven't really realized that I have problems until recently. In college and slightly after, when my anxiety really started due to a stressful class load and job, I spent every Friday night drinking heavily with friends because it seemed the thing to do. After graduation, an even worse job made me feel like drinking far more often than just the weekend. These days I try to drink much less and mostly succeed. I realize now that I was self-medicating, and think that a lot of my anxiety now comes with not coping correctly in the past...so my fears have ballooned because I can no longer get drunk and forget them or use the false confidence alcohol gave me to power through. For the last year my life has been in upheaval, so I thought I was just feeling normal stress...but my fears spiraled out of control just a few weeks ago, and now I'm realizing exactly how crippling my anxiety has become.
Anyway, I just want to end this post by saying that the people in this community have already helped me by being so open about their own fears, anxieties, etc., because you've made me realize that the way I'm feeling isn't really an acceptable way to live, and that I'm scared of things that others are scared of, and that I should be taking better care of myself. Thank you