Why anxiety ..why: Im currently having... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Why anxiety ..why

Married2015 profile image
34 Replies

Im currently having an anxiety attack ... Trying to remain calm. My throat feels like its closing and feels really werid. I cant take this anymore. Its literally ruining my life.

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Married2015 profile image
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34 Replies
jkl5500 profile image

Try taking some deep breaths. I don't have problems with my throat, but I know the anxiety will pass.

Married2015 profile image
Married2015 in reply to jkl5500

Aww thanks very reassuring❤

jkl5500 profile image
jkl5500 in reply to Married2015

Are you familiar with any books by Dr. Claire Weekes? She has videos on Youtube that you can watch for free.

Married2015 profile image
Married2015 in reply to jkl5500

Thank you! And no i wasnt .. Ill check it out , thanks 💖

in reply to jkl5500

This will help A LOT. The deep breathing exercises send signals to your brain to calm anxiety down. Your throat is probably tensing up from stress, the anxiety, and the "flight or fight" response. Deep relaxing "belly" breathing encourages a return to "rest and digest". I used to be very skeptical, but I paired it with calming music, calming sounds (whatever you like...tropical forest, ocean tides), or even a guide who will talk you through via YouTube (or apps, there are TONS). I used to look at my pulse during an anxiety attack and was up to 120 BPM. Instead of running for medicine, I put on my headphones and began a mindfulness/meditation app and began breathing exactly as asked. I stopped halfway and looked at my pulse....78 BPM. As much credit we give the brain for throwing anxiety at us, we can absolutely counter using tricks like this on the brain to snuff out the "fire" it makes. Best of luck and I hope you're relaxed now since I see I'm about a day late! Lol. You got plenty of awesome suggestions.

Married2015 profile image
Married2015 in reply to

Wow! Thanks .. Im actually trying now ...I'm currently going through an anxiety attack. Thank you so much highly appreciated feel free to send me any more information!!!!!!😊💖

in reply to Married2015

Absolutely and I hope you get through this. Just remember they will go and, while it sounds kind of stupid, try not to fight it as much as you let it do as it will....and let it pass. Kind of like observing it and how it feels, but you know it cannot fatally harm you. I know that throat part is so tough because of the "strangle" feel, but know that's not what's happening. Do you have acid reflux or heart burn by chance? Sometimes that can cause the throat/esophagus to feel irritated. It ends up causing my anxiety to go up. I'll take a Tum and Gas-X just to counter it (Zantac is a bit better, but takes a bit longer). Also, water....hydration helps so much. I think the best thing I've heard that helped me relax just even a little is what your going through is absolutely normal. Your body is showing fight and that's where the anxiety comes from. Our brain wiring still has that "run from the lion that's chasing us while we were hunting a rabbit" thing going on, so the perceived threat is all just the normal response of your nervous system. What makes us different from the "normal people" is we're just a little more ready to run from the lion chemically speaking :)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy will tell you to do this....what's the worst that's going to happen...you'll feel really bad, call an ambulance, hospital treats you, and you're okay. Best case...this passes, all is well, and maybe the attacks never return ever again. Actual case: You have anxiety, it's normal, it will pass, and you'll be okay. In all three of those situations, you'll be okay. I hope that helps. I kind of treat anxiety exercises and coping like karate. It's a discipline that takes a lot of practice over and over, but you'll be a black belt in no time.

Emily16 profile image

Did this come out of nowhere or did something trigger you? Praying you feel calm soon.

Married2015 profile image
Married2015 in reply to Emily16

Yeah it just happened randomly. Or maybe it was a trigger that I was unaware of I have no idea but thank you❤

gutierrezk67 profile image

Try to take some deep breaths. Do this for about 2 to 3 minutes. In through your mouth and out your nose. If you have a Fitbit it should have a relax breathing function on it. It helps me a lot when I'm having anxiety. Try to stay calm. I know what you are going through. I'm having anxiety myself tonight. I'm here if you need to talk.

Married2015 profile image
Married2015 in reply to gutierrezk67

Awww, thanks and yeah it seems to happen out of nowhere! I just wish it would go away... Do you think i should invest in a fitbit?... I have to practice the breathing , im just way to impatient

Sillysausage234 profile image

Are you on meds to help manage

Married2015 profile image
Married2015 in reply to Sillysausage234

Hi, they wanted to put on some but i honestly dont want to go on it ... Any suggestions? For urgent matters in other words for a more severe attack i have Lorazepam on hand at all times.. But i try to pretend it doesnt exist

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Married2015

if Your getting regular panic attacks that are debilitating maybe time to think about meds unless you can try things to calm you like soothing sounds,meditation maybe..

Married2015 profile image
Married2015 in reply to Sillysausage234

Hi! actually saw my doctor and she suggested that I come in every week to see her and a therapist. She also recommended that I take lorazepam today and tomorrow. Just to see how my body takes it. I honestly hate it but it did help. But she also recommended that I take you only when I feel a huge anxiety attack coming on. And I recently started listening to music so that does help. Thank You much. Do you know anything about Celexa? I'm not sure if I want to take it or maybe its called citoloprazm

in reply to Married2015

Yes, Celexa is apart of the SSRI family mainly aimed at depression, but as with many anti-depressants, it's also used for anxiety. The main idea is to restore a proper balance within your brain of specific chemicals that might be causing anxiety due to an imbalance. My only issue with SSRI/SNRI medications is they cause side effects initially they may dissuade you from using them. They also could help quite a bit. A recommendation on them is to give them time; usually about a month. If you aren't feeling any different, talk with your doctor about trying a different one as it's hit or miss for some on what works. Other important points are to keep taking them unless you have an allergic or severe side effects, don't drink on them (you might get the okay to have A drink, but it's generally dissuaded), and to truly give them time to work. Never discontinue the medication without guidance from your doctor as there is potential for withdrawal...and the same goes for taking more than prescribed which can cause an increase in side effects or a very rare condition called serotonin syndrome which can be dangerous. They're generally safe as long as used as directed. You will not experience any euphoria with Celexa, but hopefully a returned to normalcy.

As someone who has taken benzo medications (Lorazepam you mentioned), definitely exercise caution. Definitely no drinking since alcohol and benzos both act on the GABA receptors in the brain. Mixing both is an enormous mistake that has some bad ramifications. As long as the meds are used responsibly, they really do nip anxiety in the bud. It's one of the best/worst things about them. Continued daily use (months or years...not a day here or there) can cause dependency and eventually higher tolerance requiring more medication to get the same result. If possible, save them for worst case situations as most of the medical community is working towards putting benzos right next to opioids as a "problem". Xanax, for example, is one of the most commonly used, abused, and awful meds and is in the same class. I'm sure your doctor put you on a low dose and Ativan (lorazepam) is technically longer acting than Xanax which can be more addicting in that it's shorter in terms of action. Nothing to be scared of or ashamed of taking the benzo, just be careful and follow your doctor's orders. They do work wonders and hopefully until the Celexa begins to work, it can keep you stable from anxiety...which will then just be handled with the Celexa only.

Keep going with the homeopathic stuff like deep breathing and music as many doctors agree they are nearly or are as helpful and better for you long term. If all goes well, your doctor could teeter you off of Celexa if you're feeling better and remain so off of the medication. It's a good move for you I think given how you've been feeling. Best of luck, you've got this.

in reply to

Another waaaaay old school medication a lot of doctors forget about is hydroxyzine pamoate (sometimes prescribed as hydroxyzine hcl). It's medicinal brand name is Vistaril. It's an antihistamine but it has also shown to help anxiety and sleep. It's extremely cheap now and forgotten, but it can also help to take it before you feel a panic attack coming. It's often used prior to surgeries to help with anxiety. It's often forgotten as a helpful anxiety med due to how cheap it is, but it comes with a lot of pros: no weight gain or sexual side effects. The main cons are feeling tired/lethargic (depends) and dry mouth. For some it works, for others, not so much, but it seemed like it was worth the chance that paid off for me personally. Just something you might mention to your doctor if they feel it's a good idea.

Elfje profile image
Elfje in reply to

Is activan mutch better ?

Because I did ones and so tired I whas

Xanax help me nothing it's horrible have huge panic anxiety attacks

in reply to Elfje

There's quite a few in the benzo class one could try with severe panic attacks...and much like medications in a class, some work better for others. Xanax is generally the preferred one for major panic attacks because it works quick. Ativan is nearly there with Xanax but it lasts a bit longer. Klonopin and Valium are preferred over the rest because they have a much longer half-life that can help you with panic attacks. I tried Ativan once and it didn't do much for me. Valium I had once, did work for me. Xanax worked better in my case. But, like I said, I think we're all different in what works. If Xanax isn't helping, there are others to try which I would hope and think would take care of the big panic attacks. They're all equal in helping but again I would say it's relative to your body.

Elfje profile image
Elfje in reply to

Ye I know but chort act Xanax with me is really start with heavy attacks than the anxiety feeling stay in my body

Try the relaise and yuk feel so irritating wierd my doc told me 0.5 mg is nothing

The relaise I mean

But I don't whant the feel like sleepy all the time 😢I get really frustrated

Because. If I tell my doc he laugh it away

Than I feel like more frustrated and angry

Because it's not between my ears

in reply to Elfje

I absolutely understand, benzos are also called tranquilizers which means they can make you feel tired, relaxed, or "drunk". They shouldn't laugh at you as what you're dealing with the medications THEY prescribed are causing you issues. You might try another doctor for a second opinion. They can always lower the dose, tell you to split meds in half (if possible), or try a different one. I actually had to get off of the medicine I was on, so thankfully I had a good compassionate doctor. Try your best to remain calm and locked in on finding what works for you. There's more to try that may not make you feel the way you do and will instead improve your situation. Unfortunately, some doctors do not take anxiety/panic seriously enough. It seems it has only really been given additional attention the last ten years or so. You'll get there. If you're feeling additional anxiety with these medications, you might benefit from something entirely from a different class such as trazodone or the hydroxyzine I mentioned above. Different things work for different people, so you never know, but there's always hope :)

Elfje profile image
Elfje in reply to

Hope you know I feel now like breaking because I fight for 3 jears

I whent too a therapist I whent to two spy

And one gived me afther 10 Min effexor I remember I whas so anxious omg whas so worse I whas on work keep myself strong but I whas really not ok with it they don't even take time the lissen

Just like this here try this I see you back in 3 mondth

So local doc also don't lissen what I tell him

Is just hard for me day and night

Than I feel so sad

Than I think ok maiby it's me

But no it's not

I get so angry that is not me

That I told my doc

Will I give you a wheek what I feel

Really sorry but my emotions van not help it

Belgium is really not ok in help and support

That is what I know

Than labels on my head



I don't know anymore what the believe

in reply to Elfje

I'm really sorry reading this to hear how bad you're being treated, how you feel, and that they aren't helping further. I wasn't aware Belgium was that bad. Do they have a number you could call that can further assist you?

Don't give up your fight and try not to let your panic get the best of you while you work on this. Same with the doctors...even here in the United States, it can take awhile to find the right one. From what I can tell, you're getting the same treatment as a lot of people do. "Take this for now and come back in a few months." Effexor can actually be stimulating for some by raising blood pressure and pulse (likely not dangerous, but it isn't what we'd want from a med). I'm actually taking it currently and I question if it's the right one for me....but I've tried most all of them and none of them seem to work.

I think the best thing you can do is attempt to be patient with your doctors, but call them after a few weeks (the earliest medicine will start working like Effexor) and tell them you need to be reassessed. The first thing you need to tell them is, "I am not getting any better with these medications. My issues are keeping me from living a normal life and it's difficult to function day to day." Saying these things should get any doctor to realize this isn't just some routine situation and they're own ethics should push them to do a better job.

The most important things are this...it is not you. You are doing everything you can in getting to a doctor. Do you have access to a therapist? If so, see one. While they cannot write in medicines, they can help you manage your symptoms while you deal with the doctor issue. They'll even provide a good ear for you to talk about how you're treated. I know each and every country treats mental illness different, but one thing shared by all is not every doctor is ready for the difficulty of dealing with a patient who doesn't respond to their diagnosis. Please keep trying and definitely do not blame yourself. It is a difficult thing to deal with and manage. You should try to help yourself as well...avoid/limit caffeine, limit nicotine if you smoke or use tobacco, try supplements such as magnesium glycinate or L-theanine (the same stuff in teas), exercise if you don't already, try mindfulness/meditation either on YouTube or on app (it really helps and there are SO many apps), find a therapist who promotes CBT (cognitive behavior therapy), aromatherapy with oil, and learn some good deep breathing/belly breathing techniques.

There are a lot of good options that you can do at home. While they'll never be medicine, some of them work nearly as good and you should improve. Do not feel shame in revisiting this doctor if it's the only one you have access to. Let them know how bad you feel. In the mean time, really try those suggestions. The deep breathing will promote your body to relax. Try not to fight the panic attacks and know, even as bad as they feel, that they cannot kill you. Let them come and then go. Fighting the panic attack is like thrashing in water when you cannot swim. And then you fear having one and then have one merely thinking of it. Reverse that. I know all of this is easy for me to say, but I've tried some of it with some success. You can do it and I wish you the best despite how hard things have been. Here is a number I found on Google that helps with similar situations....if you need it, you have it: 02-649-95-55

So we don't steal the poster's post, feel free to PM and I'll answer when I can. I'm always here to help if I can.

Elfje profile image
Elfje in reply to

Thank you 💗

But for now I try the find how can I do it

It's Sunday so

And really I have ask enough help

But they the docs are too busy


I have the do it alone my instinct is fighting

It's normale

I don't whant this feeling anxious and panic

So difficult I fight for jears

I have too

If not than what ??

It's bit me

Fight holl my life

I am strong on the outside but inside I cry

A lot

Because I don't understand that people are professional in there job not really see how worse anxiety is

It's a anymale that come every where

I ask too some please give me motivation please give me a hand the pull me out

But no they not

They gived me also a stimulant omg my anxiety whas over the top

See they try things out

And I my mind don't know anymore. How the deal sometimes

So I stuck

But thank you verry verry much for your offer and advise

Married2015 profile image
Married2015 in reply to

Wow i love this! So happy i started following you! Thank you so much!!!!! Had to screenshot this to my notes.

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Married2015

Hi if it’s citalapram I know it and it worked well for me with no noticeable side effects ,good you got to the doctor panic attacks are not very good and get worse if you don’t quieten you mind ,if that means meds take them,better than going in a black hole 🕳 .

Married2015 profile image
Married2015 in reply to Sillysausage234

Thank you so much!! I really hope to recieve more advice from you in the future!

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Married2015

You’re very welcome ,the good thing about this site,we all help each other in different ways ,best wishes 🌤

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Married2015


Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Sillysausage234

This lady has lots of self help stuff on you tube and is a bestseller you may find helpful if you give it a try ,I read the book years ago and took bits and pieces from it .makes a lot of sense

kvolm2016 profile image

I am sorry that you are feeling so frustrated with your anxiety. Trying to remain calm when you recognize the attack coming is difficult but absolutely the best thing to do. Do you have some regular techniques you use for calming yourself?

Married2015 profile image
Married2015 in reply to kvolm2016

No... Anything, you would like to share would be nice.

kvolm2016 profile image
kvolm2016 in reply to Married2015

I see that you have received lots of helpful suggestions already from others. For me the focused breathing is very important. I also use this list of questions for redirecting thoughts and focus:

What are five colors I see right now?

What are five sounds I hear right now?

What are five things I physically feel right now (not emotions, but sensations like "the wind in my hair")?

What do I need to be doing - or thinking about - right now?

I learned it from this article on managing anxiety. If you want to read the article you can check it out here: bit.ly/2ic5SWi

Married2015 profile image
Married2015 in reply to kvolm2016

Wow thank you so much! Ill try it!

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