So I had a very good day today. I ate baked chicken, string beans, and sliced potatoes around 3pm enjoyed television and talked to family. then when it got nightfall and i went to the store i started feeling anxious and then not soon after here came the nausea. I was having such a good day and this almost shattered me, Im fighting it now as we speak, does anybody have any suggestions please help, its like i cant be in social settings unless it shows up. Im so ready to be done with this
Why does my anxiety always happen at ... - Anxiety and Depre...
Why does my anxiety always happen at night

It seams to me that my attacks don’t always come from a current event. Try a cold shower
I've found that fighting the anxiety just makes it worse, and then makes you fear that it will happen again. Try thinking of the anxious feeling as a wave and ride it until it subsides. I am familiar with what you describe. I get anxiety with physical symptoms like loss of appetite, sweating, flushing and severe tension in my neck. BTW, most of my worst anxiety happens upon awakening. I generally feel much better late at night. I feel less anxious around people than I do when I'm all alone with my thoughts.
It is really tough and I try to accept it and not fight the feelings but the discomfort makes it so tough, I find myself wondering if it is gas or because Im not eating as much and Im trying to regain my appetite
For me, I went through a phase of thinking "I'm totally accepting the anxiety, yay!" and then getting frustrated when the attacks would still come, and then thinking "I'm even bad at accepting!" Your story above sounds *so* familiar to me. That discouraged feeling when you thought you were doing so well.
The truth is that it took me a long time to learn to practice acceptance, through many anxiety attacks. I always thought it was going to be a light bulb that just came on one day, but it was just successive little lessons learned over time. I'm still not completely there, but I made a lot of progress. I guess I just want to assure you that it sounds like you're on your way, so try not to be too discouraged.
Yes your right! I have health anxiety and I’m fighting my thoughts of waiting for the next heart palpitations.
I asked the same thing to my significant other last week. Why does my anxiety and panic attacks hit me at night? I still do not have an answer. But like you, yesterday I had a blast during the day with my kids and grandkids since it had been a while since we got all together in one place. Got back to the hotel at night, and BOOM... panic, panic and panic. Nothing to trigger it, or provoke it. It just come over uninvited. It makes me feel that I am a burden for my partner, eventhough he has never said or showed any indication that he considers me a burden. But I don't like myself when I am in one of those episodes, so I imagine everybody feels the same about me. Ceaser_Leone, I don't have an answer but you are not alone. I just pray that someday there is a cure for this.
I use an app called "10% Happier". its a meditation app. It has lessons on how your mind works and how to work through strong emotions, get to sleep and more. I think at night our minds start to experiance quietness and it's hard to shut our minds off. You are not alone.
Thank you so much I will look into that