I’m not even sure if it’s sinus pressure or what these days eyes water ears popping throat tight
Head about to explode: I’m not even... - Anxiety and Depre...
Head about to explode

Are you stressed or anxious right now? Anxiety can cause lots of different symptoms
I normally know when I’m stressed but this symptom is very new to me
Hm well are u on meds?
Yes I take medication but I’m not sure what kind to take for the symptoms I was trying to treat Symptomatic but that’s not working for me
Oh okay, well how long has this feeling been going on for?
Ears popping and tight throat has to be anxiety I get that too and sometimes my eyes water! Try not to worry too much, you should be okay xx if you are super concerned maybe call your doctor if it doesn’t go away within a day or two
Well over a month I’ve been back-and-forth Dr to doctor
But does it pass? Or do you have those feelings the whole day?
It like come and go but is very annoying you know how it feels when you’re on the airplane just imagine feeling that our day off and on
Oh yeah that makes sense lol. Maybe talk to your doctor about going on anxiety meds or ask them what’s best for you. I recommend trying mindfulness so you can get your mind off of it, the more you focus on it the more it could get worse kinda thing, well that’s what I learned from my experience! You’ll be okay
Thank you!! But I am on medication for anxiety that’s what I’m not understanding
Oh yeah well sometimes the meds can cause symptoms also! How long have u been taking it?
hi sorry to hear of those distressing symptoms,what type of meds are you on for anxiety?and are those feelings with you all the time or do they subside sometimes,and is your doctor sympathetic understanding.
Good morning I am so over doctors these days. I’m on calozapone for it but not really helping anymore
Hi Veelala, you could have sinus infection, your doctor will be able to diagnose but I have those symptoms with sinusitis. .ear pressure like your heads going to explode, eyeballs hurt with pressure and water, throat sore and headache, even your teeth hurt. Hope this is helpful.
My my my ive been to the specialist and every thing they have treated me for sinus infection but nothing seems to stop my eyes from watering and my ears from being muffled sounding
Have you tried any complimentary therapies, they all sound like symptoms of anxiety and stress, and I think we all get them, my eyes water all the time, abd I have sinus issues, i now rake an allergy tablet fircsinuses instead of the sinutab meds, what do you do to lessen your stress, . .?