I've been trying to solve a riddle as 2 nights ago, I dreamt of a blond guys head (no body) on a conveyer belt and his face was being sliced. In the dream I was just watching this through my awareness and I seemed to honestly just be watching with no emotion. Can anyone share their perspective on this so I can maybe join the dots as to what's going on in my life? I've also tried matching the words like a pun... Xxx
Head Dream: I've been trying to solve a... - Anxiety and Depre...
Head Dream
Someone piss you off in the supermarket maybe?
That's a hard one! You had no fear or disgust....maybe you are resigned to things that should make you fear and hurt? The head is thoughts and ideas. The face is outward appearances. A conveyer belt goes on and on bringing the same things over and over.
I think certain dreams are a way to tell ourselves something.
Hmmmm, that's definitely food for thought..... I'm gonna ponder that.... The conveyer belt makes complete sense.... Doing things the same way over and over.... Face being outward appearance.... That's grabbing my attention.... The weird thing is I can walk in areas and alone and not feel fear but I fear my emotions.... I may also have hit a level of numbness... Which means I'm not ready for something I'm pushing. Hmmmm... Thank you this helps. Xxx
You're welcome. I had 3 recurrent dreams for many years.
In one I was on an expressway at rush hour, by the airport, when a plane overhead explodes and is careening down to the road. I cannot move the car, and I can't get away.
Two is a road ramp near us that is really high with a very steep up ramp. I dream I am on that road, rush hour traffic, little girl in the backseat, and the car can't go any higher. I MUST get off that road, but I am trapped.
Three is a drive near Lake Superior. The road is right tight against the water. I lose control and the car plunges into the lake. Little girl in the backseat. I can't get out of the seatbelt. I can't help the girl.
I was talking about them in therapy when it suddenly occurred to me that it was all about a time when I was a little girl, alone and trapped by 2 men. I couldn't run, they would shoot me. I couldn't stay, they would shoot me.
Knowing why the dream happens helps to stop it.
Wow! That's incredible. Thank you for sharing. I had a solar vision in the bath the other night.... It was an awakened dream but it was a car going into water with a little girl at the back but I took a brick and jumped into the water, ashes the window open and when I came to the surface of the water I took in a deep breath and breathes out what felt like relief..... Thank you for sharing.buouve helped me a lot. God bless. Xxxx
Dreams mean nothing, they are not trying to tell you something, they are just a bundle of disordered images and thoughts. People write books about them but I would say pay no attention to what you dream at night, pay greater attention to what goes through your mind during the day: things that you can exercise control over.
My dreams always involve losing my car, last night I dreamt I couldn't find my car in Birmingham in the u.k. Absolutely meaningless. So don't worry about it.
Years ago for nights in a row I dreamed of my husbands head. It was blue in a fish tank.
Not long after that he suffered a cardiac arrest. We were in bed he was making a noise. I turned on the light his head was blue. I had to give him cpr.
That's same night his mother had a dream something was wrong with him. She told his dad she dreamed about him. He said well don't you dream of the boys often? She said something was different this time. She felt uncomfortable. Told him she better call to check on him. Little did she know at that point how true her dream was.
Wow! That's pretty interesting. Thank you for sharing
Ya I hope yours doesn't end out like that.
But I believe some dreams mean something. Mayb not right away. But they can come to life.
I wanted to respond to the person that thought dreams meant nothing. Some of them materialize.
I agree. In this situation, this dream is meaning that I have a low self-esteem with self-image and am punishing myself (cuttting the face) because ive been more concerned with the intellectual thoughts rather than properly nurturing the emotions and have been running away from negative emotions.... So, I'm learning to nurture and be in the body understanding that the negative emotionss are as important as the positive ones. I've been guessing a lot of the emotions wanting to run away from them rather than take this blessing of being umployed to actually go into the them, really nurturing them. I was never nurtures as a child so I'm learning how to nurture myself at 44 which isactually wonderful and awkward at the same time. I'm learning how to sooth myself and talk to myself in a nurturing way. Dreams are a way that your subconscious talks to us so yes, they are extremely important and valid. Thank you for sharing your story. Every bit helps so thank you. Xxx
I am also a survivor of childhood emotional neglect. So I now see your interpretation of your dream very clearly.
I wish there was a whole section offered her on that subject. It really impacts our lives.
Best of luck to you
Have you ever looked at a dream dictionary? I have one that says the head is to do with the intellect but the face is self image. If something is wrong with the face it refers to a sense of being inadequate and a fear of how others see you. I have paraphrased somewhat but you may wish to see if a local library has any books on the issue. It is good to know the dream is not upsetting you.
Thank you. Yeah, I downloaded the dream book for dummies. I'm keeping a dream journal and now it's time to read the dream book for dummies. I totally agree with the social image and there's a repetition which the subconscious it trying to show me. The cutting of the face has really mad me emotional so there's a some inner child work I need to dive into as it's repeating throughout my life. this is a VERY big one so will be treading lightly. Thank you so much for your help on this. Xxx
Well it would be nice to think that you are becoming satisfied with yourself and this is why the face is being sliced. I guess the brain, that is the intellect, knows that you are okay but your emotions have yet to catch up, so whilst on one level you have moved on with your life you are still feeling emotionally challenged. Probably not that easy but good luck.
The conveyor belt to me, sounds like a pattern going round and round. The sliced head ( apart from thinking of food but that’s me!,), is a sign that you have overcome some issues and they no longer affect you, I am big believer in dreams, but like you, they can be weird!, x
Would take someone who knows you and your life style to decipher the symbolism.
Before going to sleep ask the Universe for clarity of one part of the dream, as a place to start.
You might get an answer with the first question or it might take some thought to find out what you understand about yourself, then apply those self truths to your question asked at bedtime.
Or tell the dream to be erased from your memory, then go to sleep.
"Detachment," "disconnect," to psychology, the 'head' of a blond guy!
Sorry, I have PMS, that was my boyfriends head. Happens every month 😁
I will update this topic as I go along but one thing that has come up is my social image and old thought patterns through defensive behaviour and hiding away from the world for not feeling good- enough.... It's about social standards and deep shame.., to my core deep so I'm taking time to learn how to really nurture myself and be there for myself objectively... This head dream is slowly helping me join the dots. I become very defensive in certain conversations because deep down I feel neglected as a child and those wounds can't just be changed. They need love and nurturing. I need to love the parts that I've learnt to push away just so as to please others.