I have a very hard time taking my antidepressants consistently. I will take them for about 2-3months and give up on them when I feel like they aren't helping. I know this is a constant pattern of mine. I sometimes feel like I don't want to rely on antidepressants that I can be "happy" or change my mood on my own. I guess I don't want to be dependent on them. I feel guilty for lying to my therapist about still taking them even though I haven't taken them in 2 weeks. I just rather find ways to naturally help my mood. Does anyone have anything natural that they do that helps with their mood?
Antidepressants: I have a very hard... - Anxiety and Depre...

Hi warrior I've not come across you before are you new! I understand your having problems with your anti depression meds I think you've got to be honest with your doctor or he can't help you what you are doing with your meds is never going to work in the long run! Please make a point of seeing your doctor and discuss with him or her what your treatment options are have you thought about councilling it may help! Please take care my friend and if you don't mind can you let me know how you get on David 🤔
Hi Warrior, sorry to hear about this frustrating cycle. While I’m not so sure about natural approaches to fight depression besides therapy, which you’re already doing, I would caution you about this cycle. Many of these meds have side effects with abrupt stops. They often require either building up to or weaning down from, a therapeutic dose. I used anti depressants for about 5 years and was able to wean successfully after therapy and time. Be careful and honest with your prescriber. Best to you!
I never liked taking and relying on pills myself so I get it. You’re therapist is there to help you and they can’t effectively treat you if they don’t know what’s really going on. If you really don’t want to take pills, you don’t have to; meds alone aren’t a fix all and a good doctor dosent ‘just’ use pills to treat so you can ask your therapist about other treatments and methods. I don’t know the legality of it where you live, but I personally use marijuana; it’s not a fix all but it does help me in more ways than one. meditation, healthy lifestyle and doing sone of your own researching on what you’re going through has helped me too.
Hi Warrior ! I do the same thing as you ! I have been on and off anti depressants for years !
What I have learned is that every time I am off , I feel good for a little and then all hell breaks loose Panic , depression etc. comes back so strong that is so hard to climb back up !
I have done years of therapy but I still can’t stay without my meds !
Be honest with your therapist ! Good luck !
That is where I am at right now, things were good and I felt alright and now I'm having negative thoughts. You and the others are right, I will tell me therapist that I lied and I stopped taking them. I am also going to talk with the psychiatrist tomorrow to see what they say. Thank you!
Hi again good luck with your doctor tomorrow you will find a difference in your self if you tell him how you have being feeling and remember be honest with them that way he can help you! If you think you may forget what you want ask or tell him write it down that will help you get less anxious of forgeting what you want to ask him about why you need to see them! All the best for tomorrow good luck!
Warrior, I've been dealing with depression and anxiety for 30 years. I've tried so many meds I've lost count. Unfortunately, finding the right drug, or combination of drugs (I'm now on four) is as much an art as it is a science. I know its hard to be patient, but being completely honest and in close contact with your doctor is the only way you will get you illness under control. Its hard to accept, but for so many of us, control is the best we can hope for, it doesn't go away. Think of it like this...if you had asthma or diabetes, would you stop taking your meds and lie to your doctor about it? No, because you would know you would end up in the hospital. Mental illness is the same thing. And remember, it is just as much a physical illness as things like asthma and diabetes. Brain scans actually show distinct differences between someone with depression and someone who is "normal. Food for thought.