I've just found this site today, I'm hoping to get some insight so if you feel like replying I would appreciate it.
I have been taking citalopram for 6 years and am on 40mg. Finding an antidepressant and dose that worked I remember was a really horrible and difficult time so I fear having to do that again but, I don't know that I need it now or that it's working.
Over the years I have had times of depression which has lead to my dose being increased. I haven't had depression for a long time now but my anxiety over the last 18 months has been worse than ever. I wasn't even that anxious when I started taking it, it was more for depression. The citalopram is supposed to treat anxiety but it isn't for me. It's hard to know if I haven't been depressed as a result of the medication or just because of where I am now. I was 18 when I started taking it and I can't help wondering what I would be like without the medication now, and if I might even feel better without it, or with a different medication just for anxiety instead.
I want to ask how people know when to come off antidepressants? Should we aim to come off them eventually? I know to speak to a doctor and try to come off slowly, but does anyone know much about the withdrawal from citalopram?
I get anxiety around drugs and anything that could alter my mood or feeling so I find the idea of coming off quite scary but I want to get there.