Hey everyone , many of us need support, i figured if anyone needs to talk about something and just let it out , im here you can send messaes and ill do my best to answer all of them ..you can talk about anything i wont judge just give my honest opinion and try to help you find a solution ;)..for health anxiety or just GAD , OCD or depression ..etc, even if you just want to talk about anything , im here we can help
If anyone needs help they can message me - Anxiety and Depre...
If anyone needs help they can message me

Hi Kevin, years ago I use to get severe daily headaches. Most of them were
contraction/tension headaches as well as interspersed with several migraines.
Now that I don't get those headaches anymore, I infrequently get the flashing
sparkling light show which lasts about 5-10 minutes. Had one the other day
and remembered reading about staying calm, staying in a dark/dim room and
allowing it to pass. Is this an aura migraine symptom?? Thanks Kev..
Well, it depends aura migraines vary between several symptoms , migraines with aura are attacks that include or dont include head pains, they start mainly with blindspots and tunnel vision , for some people the attack ends here and they dont develop more symptoms l the attack lasts between 20 minutes to an hour , and if they develop a headache after it it can last for a few hours to a few days , for me i get tunnel vision and severe vision problems, then i get numbness in my arms so severe that its super difficult to move my hands and i dont feel anything in my hand for a few minutes , then sometimes it causes confusion and dizziness , at first it was scary and its still is l but it lasts for an hour maximum and mostly at night , it happens rarely last time was a couple weeks and it was likely influenced by stress, whenever i glare for long times at screens it happens so i started taking breaks between screen times..they say you should go into dark rooms if you feel an attack coming , and put cold packs on the neck to relax , its still scary but after knowing what it is its less scary , very annoying but it doesnt last long and everything gets back to normal within 30-60 mins
Each symptom usually last 5-10 minutes so that might be an aura migraine , for me it would depend sometimes it would just be like tunnel vision and seeing an aura or flashing light, some people claim they see sort of like stars or fog shapes , each person is different and it depends how their brain handles the attack , it can be more severe due to lights, sounds, smells , thats why now im being more careful , it added to my stress because i fear when is the next attack going to be because it happened a couple times before in public and i worry , but it happens to me like once a year or a few times, and being more careful will help ..i hope the best for you and hoping you dont are more educated about your migraines, if you need any more info im right here
Thank you Kevin. Good to know there is someone to talk to when you feel isolated. I woke up this morning without the heart racing and panic so at least this morning is off to a good start. I hope the day follows. Generally I am and have been an anxiety panic and a bit depressive mess for the past few months. I have to really push myself and it’s not easy. Last week was by far one of the worst weeks yet. I’m just tired of feeling this way. Thanks for listening.