Good morning. I finally joined after many attempts and am really forcing myself to communicate. I stay away from online communities because I don't need another thing to obsess about and swallow my time Plus, my social anxiety extends to the internet too apparently - which is something I didn't think was possible..
I am struggling with a major depression trying to take me over again and I want to do what I can to fight it. I have lost so much of my life to it as I know so many of you can relate. I am very isolated because of course that's where I feel the most safe - by myself. I don't want to be this person but honestly, I just don't have a lot of motivation to get out and be with people.
I don't know how many 50+ are reading but it's a challenging time of life to say the least.
So here I am and I hope not to delete my profile again
I wish everyone a peaceful day.