Depression and anxiety. I suffer from these and it is harder some days than others. I have PTSD and was told I'm bipolar but I'm thinking it's more DID.... Thank u for welcoming to this support community
Depression and anxiety: Depression and... - Anxiety and Depre...
Depression and anxiety

hello to you and welcome aboard.lets hope you get to chat with many likeminded people who can offer you great support.all the best on your journey to happiness.
hi happy mother,and wellcombe from England,did you know in England weve got a boxer
with bypoler,frank Bruno,who has gone throu some dark days with bipolar.with the help
of his wonderfull daughter has battled your not alone.
It is hard to diagnose yourself, when you are the one who has a great understanding of the symptoms you notice. Since these dxs honeslty need to be diagnosed by a seasoned full licensed mental health professional or psychologist. So different and it will help you tremendously to know what plagues you and exctly what the symptoms are. One symptom stands out and needs a diagnosis.
Even the hormones can understood by a physician, as I am sure you are already aware. We have so many changes when the hormones shift, especially since they put in iUDs or give meds for birth control that can cause the body and the nervous system to be confused. I would seek a counselor to help separate this out with you.