I'm a twenty year old college student. Its' just hard to do work and hard to be alone with my thoughts. I'm not in a crisis. Its' just difficult to go through my day to day tasks without becoming incredibly irritable, sad, or anxious. Feels like my brain slows down and goes all over the place.
Engineering Student Looking For Good ... - Anxiety and Depre...
Engineering Student Looking For Good Stability

Some campuses have people that can help, someone you can talk to,there might be a reason behind what you're feeling. I know how stressful college can be

Yea there are resources available here. I appreciate the comment.
I remember feeling like this in college. I started going to study groups and it helped a lot. Not only did it make me more confident in class but it kept me from studying alone which lead to a lot of self doubt and negative thinking. Joining a club might be a good idea too, even a non academic one. Staying busy may be a good idea for you.
Is it bc you are left to cope on your own? Are you eating properly some omega 3 fish oil might help and maybe some 5htp your can buy it in Boots or holland and barrett but you must start on a small dose and see how you go if it makes you feel better then you were obvs lacking serotonin if you don't feel any different after it then serotonin deficiency isn't the problem
Do you think its circumstantial ?
Thanks for your advice. I do think it is circumstantial. My peers are almost always very smart and helpful, but many of them are not the kind of people I can connect with easily. I’m a 1st generation citizen and I was raised in a very progressive environment. Many times I find I do not have much in common with my peers at my STEM private school in central Indiana where grades and jobs are obsessed over. That being said, I am grateful for the opportunity I have here to do a lot of cool stuff and make a good living in the process.
I am intrigued to know about a very progressive environment I live in UK and I am guessing you were brought up atheist and it seems the other students are not atheists ? Is there not some community near your college with people similar to you excuse me if I have got it completely wrong lol
there are definitely people here that I get along with well! While I’m not religious, I don’t have any qualms with my friends beliefs. I get the sense people here haven’t seen much outside of central Indiana, so it’s difficult for me to relate. A lot of the students here are white guys from conservative families and sometimes young white dudes from the midwest, especially wealthy business and technology oriented ones, can be a pain in the ass.
I’m in central Indiana too. Small world. I hope that some of these suggestions help. I know college can be a difficult time, it was a tough transition for me.
It kind of sounds like a form of anxiety or panic attack. The stress of college can sometimes cause even the most stable person to experience this. Perhaps check with the campus nurse about support services. Most have a counselor on site or nearby that can help identify what is triggering the thoughts and develop some coping skills. Please consider seeking some help and not letting this get out of hand. Prayers for peace and wisdom.