Hello all, happy holidays!
I’m here right now because I am currently struggling and feeling very anxious. It’s Xmas day and it’s been great to be with everyone. One problem..
I haven’t had marijuana in a couple days and it’s making my depression and anxiety come back. I feel that my body has gotten so used to using it that when I don’t have it, my anxiety comes back ten fold. I am in fact on anti depressants, however I would say this has been a successful, albeit expensive, addition. I’m debating whether or not to even continue using it because of everything that happens when I don’t have it...Nausea, anxiety, irritability, etc.
almost doesn’t seem worth it does it??
Does anyone have any experience getting passed this? How long did it take to get passed the withdrawal? Anyone with words of encouragement would be amazing. Totally not feeling like myself today...