I put myself down to depression and anxiety...but im sad every minute of the day and night and haven't felt happy nor have found happiness for a very long time...anyone else feel constantly sad?..like 24/7...can someone tell me how to find happiness or know how to be happy..
Anyone feel sad everyday: I put myself... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anyone feel sad everyday
Hello, my name is carrie and I suffer greatly from sadness and general feelings of not wanting to be here. I'm actually on holiday in the sunshine and still feel the same. I think my problems stem from caring too much about what others think of me. I often find myself lacking motivation. I'm going to start yoga, take a cod liver oil supplement and try to help others and connect with them because I find this difficult and try to train my brain positive thinking, its difficult but can be done. Meds help but I have to put my own work in too in order to feel better. I had a challanging past but I need to have gratitude for what I have now. Gratitude is the key to appreciating what I have. I wish you well.
Hi Carrie..Thank you for sharing.. I wish you well too...
The harder you seek happiness, the more illusive it gets. Try not to seek it so hard and let it come to you by doing things you love. You will be surprised when you stop searching for happiness every moment and just try to live your best, it has a way of coming to you when you least expect it!!!
I lived in undiagnosed depression until I was 44, and felt sad all the time. My faith in a loving God is what I cling to. I had to change my beliefs about myself and life in general - joined a tiny church, got active in it teaching kids church, looking after refreshments etc
Happiness will look and feel different for each one of us. What makes me happy is spending time with friends for a spot of tea or a meal, attending community activities and groups to which I belong, snuggling with my cat, reading a good book, trying a new recipe, reading my Bible and talking to God!
Not all day sadness for me because I get highs sometimes...so I do get teased with happiness like with art I see that I love but get sad that I haven’t created more and better and then when it comes to my joys aka my kids in spending quality time with them I always manage to get things stuck in my head like imagining us growing apart some day or they will have times like I suffer from it saddens and scares. The last three days I’ve been thinking of suicide. Not that I would do that It’s just coming up as a branch off of how miserable I feel, so frustrated that I will waste the rest of my life fighting and being knocked down until I die. What is the purpose, just service that I cling to which is helping others, that’s really the only thing that will last in the souls that might go from person to person maybe never ending... Hard to get up and stay up in this life... I’m trying to see life in a good light but it can be so hard when you acknowledge the truth of the terrible things going on constantly.
The things that have helped most to stop having the scary panic attacks and suicide wishes is Paxil and Hemp Oil. I think it helps me to see through glass a world that is less horrible than the other ways of viewing.
Ellinaki you are amazing
and I’m sorry you’re suffering so
You are brave strong and sweet with beauty in your heart so bright.
If you saw how others see you
you’d hug yourself skipping along all day 😉 and all night.
The key to being happy is knowing you have the power to choose what to accept and what to let go. Don't let the silly little things steal your happiness. There is no cosmetic for beauty life happiness. The secret of being happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of everyday. Be kind to yourself. Begin to love and approve of yourself. The more you connect to the Power within you, the more you can be free in all areas of your life.
I am grateful for being alive today. It is my joy and pleasure to live another wonderful day. Be willing to take the first step, no matter how small it is. Concentrate on the fact that you are willing to learn. Absolute miracles will happen. Every day declare for yourself what you want in life. Declare it as though you have it! I choose to make the rest of my life the best of my life.
This may sound a bit shrinkish, it may help.
Your feelings are serving you in some way. Like fear keeps me from being a tightrope walker. My fear protects me from the nasty fall.
Believe it or not, your sadness is serving you. Now you need to figure out how it is serving you.
The concept would be to find out how and what it is providing for you and then get that done without sadness.
If I had a net or harness I may be able to walk the rope, but I needed to know that my fear was the thing that was preventing the nasty fall.
How an emotion is serving you may not be that specific, it could be as general as it makes you comfortable. Finding a perspective that makes you comfortable without being sad would be the goal.
Sorry if this is a bit confusing, but I’m more of a mechanic than a shrink.
Sending hugs, hugs and more hugs. Try to find somethings that gives you happiness or makes you smile and focus on those things as much as you can. I think of a fun time with my grandson when he was little. Do you like music? Sometimes I put on some upbeat music. It does help. I pray daily and try to keep positive things in my head. I will be praying for you too.
How are you feeling today hun
Still the same..
I do. An antidepressant could help with that also learning to find at least a small positive. It’s hard I know, I look forward to my morning coffee and it gives me a bit of happiness
I’m sad and anxious almost constantly. I don’t know how to Live anymore.
(Hug(((((((Shutterbug)))) ❤️ ))))
Yes you will...you will learn to live YOUR way...your unique special you...no one like you..keep going..we are all in this ..

I just feel so alone. I’m tired of waking up anxious and not getting enough sleep. I’m tired of not being able to look forward to anything. My life is empty. I just want to stop worrying.
Thank you
I know...look, we got to have hope and faith in and with, our own struggle..there's no life without a struggle...stand back from this struggle for a second and look at yourself on how far you've come..your amazing..now get back in and just keep going for it...
I feel a sense of sadness every day and I have everything..an adoring husband, wonderful children, beautiful paid off house, money, etc. I take an anti depressant but honestly it’s not helping. I did suffer trauma and have a debilitating auto immune disease so I know that’s part of it. It’s a struggle every day for me also even though to the outside world I look like I have it all. 😢
Thanks for your reply...you sound like you have it all, not materialistically, but you come across to me as strong , confident and powerful...I choose not to be materialistic, I could have had it all if I wanted, but I have much more without..greeting from Melbourne Australia
If you feel like this every day, please think about talking to a doctor or a therapist. Depression is chemical, not something we can just wish away or “just feel better” like some people think. Therapy helps and medication can help.
Happy can start small - a moment here, a moment there. It can be that a warm breeze makes you smile or a tv show makes you laugh or a friend hugs you. Those moments seem elusive (and even can seem unimportant) when we are depressed. Think back to a time when you did feel happy - what were the reasons you felt that way? Can you get some of those things back in your life today?
I felt happy years ago. I was carefree and had dreams and of course time was on my side. Now I feel like everything is going bad at the same time. Financially I’m having a difficult time it’s just so hard dealing with things alone. I don’t have a great job, my medical insurance is through Obamacare because my employer doesn’t offer insurance anymore. And I pay a lot for it. I have a ten year old car that eventually will need to be replaced. And bills bills and more bills. But every body has there problems; right? It’s living with an anxiety disorder that makes everything seem like a pending catastrophe.
I hope I didn’t ramble on to much. Thank you for your advice and thoughtfulness.
I feel like happiness is very fleeting. Like everything else, it is impermanent and subject to endless fluctuations. Joy is different in that it emanates from your innermost being. You have it already; it is inside of you. There, stillness and peace reside. Joy is not easily lost due to the often turbulent winds of change
That seems like a wonderful place. Your description of Joy as a state of mind, something that resides deep inside you is beautiful. Peace and calmness is so fleeting in a troubled mind. I wish I knew how to find it.