I was just curious if anyone has had numb sensations in there tongue and mouth and throat. At first I thought I was having an allergic reaction but now I’m starting to think it is an anxiety symptom. I tried taking some allergy medicine then fell asleep and I felt like it was gone. Then I woke up and it slowly came back. Super weird.
Numb: I was just curious if anyone has... - Anxiety and Depre...

Not so much numb but sore. I suppose it could be described as numb. I clench my jaw when I'm anxious and when sleeping. Most of the time I don't realize I'm clenching and tensing all my muscles.
Well that one went away and it was back to headaches and dizzy feeling today. I need to get on top of this again. I’m also stopped taking lexapro abruptly after six days so that probably isn’t helping.
It's so hard to figure out. That's when I knew I was in trouble....when I tried to reason with myself about all of these physical symptoms. Doctor visit after doctor visit and nothing is found. I gave up the visits due to time and money. I still have physical symptoms but I'm much more prepared mentally to deal with them. I'd say most days are good, some are great and some are downright nasty but I'm a much better place than I was earlier this year. Keep hydrated, I like gatorade and water to keep the headaches away. I have to practice breathing when I feel anxious. Deep breath in for five seconds, hold for one and release for five seconds. I do this for 2-5 minutes and it resets my brain to normal. How did the lexapro work for you?
I don’t get the numbness but I’ve been getting a tightness feeling in my throat daily. When I first wake up it’s good but as day goes on and I think about it more it gets more noticeable. 😔 I also wonder if it related to allergies, post nasal drip. Then again it could all be anxiety related.
Yup! I do. My lips and face too.