I would greatly appreciate it if anyone has had experience taking an SSRI drug for the first time. I was put on Zoloft. It worked great for a month but when I was upped to 50mg. from 25mg I suffered extreme depression. Has anyone had that experience? Has an SSRI worked for you. I suffer from major depression. I was on elavil for 35 years.
SSRIs How They Have Worked For You. - Anxiety and Depre...
SSRIs How They Have Worked For You.

I tried it! It took 2 months to work but it worked really well when it did
Honestly this is my 3/4 week on zoloft, and It's not working for me, still wake up with insane anxiety, and have to talk myself through driving to work.. once I start moving and working it kind of subsides..
I heard it can take up to 2 months to kick in. Have you heard of the homeopathic remedy called "Rescue Remedy"? It does not interfere with meds. It can also be given to animals. I gave it to my canaries when they got anxious. You can buy it at Whole Foods. I get the one that you can spray under the tongue. It is made of flower essence. I never use anything that alters me. Good luck!
I’ve been on every antidepressant and I love Zoloft. It definitely needs to upped at least once a month because it starts at such a low dose. I’m at 100mg now and it’s working. I hope this helps 💜
Thank you so much. I was started on 25 then upped to 50mg. But I got extremely depressed on the 50mg so Wed. I went back down to 25mg. I am actually feeling better now. I hope it will stabilize at 25mg. I am so glad it is working for you! Best of luck and thank you so much for responding!!
I have been on Zoloft too. I have friends who are on it and it worked great for them. For me it made my depression worse. Everyone is different and different meds work differently on each person. Maybe the lower dose was the correct dose for you? I wish you luck in finding the right dose and medicine for you. I know how hard it is to find the right one.
Thank you for your response. Knowing that it made someone else's depression worse helps me in knowing that either Zoloft is not right for me or the higher dosage was not right for me. As you said it is hard finding the right med and dose. My PHd nutritionist said to me that anti depressants are an art and not a science. Even my doc says that.
It can be like a mechanic pouring oil on top of an engine hoping some of it gets to where it is suppose to go to help the engine work. Good luck to you!