In the last 4 years Ive lossed 2 of the most important women in my life. My parents had a traumatic divorce when I was a teen. (My Dad cheated on my mom.) My Grandparents / Aunt and Uncle had the most inspiring relationships. If it werent for them I never would have believed in love. I was extremely close to both of them. Its just so hard constantly wishing they were around to plan my wedding with them. My Grandpa is 92 and slowing down. Its been almost a year since he lost Grandma. His time is running out. My Stepmom has been sick for a years almost facing death twice. Doctors dont give her much time... so ontop of greiving I also fear the 6 months we have left til big day.... just looking for anyone that can relate and help me find some encouragement.
Any women on here that had intense fe... - Anxiety and Depre...
Any women on here that had intense feelings of sadness planning a wedding? ☆loved ones lossed

Aww I feel for you. Im so sorry. My wedding which was in 2010 my grandmother had passed, one uncle, ome aunt (nicest person in my whole family). It was hard. I actually was married on the day both my grandparents died 17 years apart from each other. I dedicated a song at my wedding cerempny to all of them. It is hard. Im sorry i dont really know what to suggest other than do thimgs in your wedding to honor them. Wear maybe a neckless or something from one of them. I wore my stepmothers pearl earrinng to bring her to my special day. I hope this helps. 💗💗💜
I thought of doing a song in memory too.. but scared it will sadden the mood for not only my self but family too. Deft honoring them is all I can really do💞💫🦋 thanks
Most of my family has passed my grandparents aunts and uncles when i was young i do to wished they were around to see me get married also my father had passed one year before i got married. I was rushed into getting married by my mom when o told her i was pregnant we were going to get married anyway. It hurt so bad knowing i couldnt have the wedding of my dreams and that my dad wouldnt walk me down the isle and see his grandson. I knew he was looking down on me all of my family was there in spirit. Im so sorry you had a rough start in marriage its one step to happiness and a new chapter in life and to move on from. Living in the past hurts so much ive learned from experience and learned to start letting things go. Hope this helps *hugs* it will be okay.

💔💔💔 thank you for sharing. Im able to put things in perspective. I know I should keep my self greatful for all I do have...But time doesnt heal the greiving 100% were just able to learn to live on.. 💫💞🦋
As long as I have the love in my heart for the people who have passed, I believe they are still with me. All of your lost loved ones will be (and are) with you - now and on your special day. I believe the spirits remain as angels and the show up in many places and forms. I wish this acceptance for you, too. ❤️😎
Those are some comforting words... my grandpa is my last Grandparent alive. I chose to start off my life so late due to depression. I know... everything in my life happend for a reason in the right time.💫 the last time I saw my Grandma I had announced my engagement in the nursing home💔 and I made sure she knew it was her advice that helped me find the man of my dreams.
I am so very sorry about your loss. It would be difficult to have a lot of joy at a time like this when you are planning a wedding but missing the important people in your life. I lost my mom about a month ago so I know that heavy feeling in the heart is sometimes difficult to overcome. Let me just say that I think all of your loved ones would want you to go ahead and plan your wedding with joy. You can even talk to them in your mind and heart as you do it. I know there are some wonderful resources here that might be a help to you. Congratulations and best wishes!
I could not imagine the pain of losing my mom.... 💔 I am so sorry to hear.... and Thank you so much for responding. Ive been doing so much healing lately. I used to be so numb during my years of depression, so now that Im out of my depression I feel things so much stronger. And ive been an emotional mess the past few weeks. I just want to stay on the right track and enjoy what is supposed to be the best years of my life.