man i had such a good week last..not really good but better..Then i woke this morning at 4am and all the stuff that triggers my depression and anxiety..creeped..i sit here right now trying to convince myself my own advice one day at a time..then i say nice future..what are going to do when that come? i talk people off the ledge and im always there for others but it seems as though the people around me dont want hear it or dont understand these feelings..i feel like a ghost circle is small jmy co worker complains over such petty things they never really worry about money and have no idea what its like to own anything used...i hate comparing myself to people..
Monday: man i had such a good week last... - Anxiety and Depre...

Please know this is the ugly disease talking to you. Try to focus on the positives you have in life. The future isn't here yet so let that go. If you have to take one hour at a time or even less if need be. Know that this will pass. I'm sending you all good vibes for your day. Love, peace, light, joy & hugs!

im a fighter, my list is long..but im tired..and thats what scares me now..i never have gotten tired..
It sure can be exhausting going through this. You said it yourself you're a fighter, keep fighting the good fight for you. You sure do deserve peace of mind. I'm sending you all my energy for your day. love, peace, light, joy & hugs!
thank you friend
I read your post and my heart goes out to you! I'm glad you had a good week the previous week to your post and I hope the week after was looking better, again. I love the replies that say to take it down to one minute at a time, if necessary, to keep from getting overwhelmed by all the thoughts. It's great advice! It sounds like you have been having some positives, too. One thing I do is make a list of positives and things I'm thankful for to read when I'm struggling. It has been one of the best ways to really take my eyes off of comparing to others and to focus on the good things in my life. Praying the positives become greater than the negatives and that you gain some renewed energy so you don't feel so tired.