Hi i'm from Romania...a European country, I don y speak very well English,i m sorry for that, a few months ago I started suffering from anxiety, when I go out in public or even when I m alone ,So i began isolate myself from people...it s very frustrating, i want to overcome it without medication.
GAD...here it goes : Hi i'm from... - Anxiety and Depre...
GAD...here it goes

Try not to be alone to much, you need to keep yourself busy, try to stop your head from thinking negatively. Do things that will distract you from your anxiety, don't let it take over your life by sitting in the same place with it. If you get up and go you can leave the anxiety behind.
These are the things you need to do to move forward.
Take care.

I already feel better by talking about it...it really helps ! Thank you.
Yes talking helps and you can talk about it on here anytime at all. 🙂
Hi Madilina,
Try to spend more time with family and friends. Always be engaged. It certainly helps. Find a hobby.
Madilina, welcome to the U.S.A. I wish I could meet you in person. Are you here by yourself? Trying to learn American ways by yourself can be taxing on your system. Plus some people here are not the nicest. Then some people are very nice. Try to locate the nice people, and stay by them. Btw, your English is pretty good, and you write in English, too!
Jimmyjimmy gave some fabulous advice. Getting out, around people is the best thing you can do for yourself. Talking about how you feel helps, too, as you have already found out. There will always be people on here who are ready to listen to whatever you need to say.
I am wishing the best for you, Madilina.
I stay in Romania,Thank you,you're so kind...here in my country, no one talks about GAD, I found this group online and it helps very much to talk about it and see that i m not alone with this at all, Now I read more to find new strategies to cope with it , I think I will start a journal ,when I go outside my house I got anxiety, at shopping or things like that ...I said to myself "why are you like this ,stop,everything is ok" I want to overcome it very badly...
Hi Madalina.
Your country (as mine) has lots of therapist to work with to overcome the problems. Sometimes this anxieties may start from different reasons we think of. I had this types of problems since I was a teen, I mean like 18 years ago. Back then you may say the only thing they knew was to give you pills. Now there are so many psychologists who work with Jung therapy or others, you just have to Choose someone suitable for your soul. That’s the most important.
I really think that we know better if we need pills or not, and with some help you can overcome anxiety; just don’t let it overcome you. As much as you isolate yourself inside the house and stay alone most of the time, you will deepen your problems.
Read about it on internet, books. Try to listen motivational speeches or yoga, meditation. Watch headspace videos on YouTube , are amazing. If you need more guidance I’m here for you. W sending you a big hug full of calmness and light. 🙏
Yes ,I started to read lots of articles about anxiety, I recently accepted what i m dealing with Thank you a lot ♡ 🙏 I send you a virtual hug ! Today I will try to go out with friends and overcome it.
Good Luck. It sounds like you have social anxiety or perhaps some agoraphobia? I have severe debilitating Generalized Anxiety Disorder along with Major Depressive Disorder, along with OCD and PTSD. So, I'm a mess! But yes, good advise - get out, don't stay in one place too long, ground yourself, read books, get out with nature. That helps me the most, just to get out of the house and outside to do some yard work, makes me forget about my troubles for awhile.