Hi, I have been dealing with anxiety disorder for about a year now. It is really weird, its like I don't have control of my mind. I find myself getting tense, my throat tightening, my head getting dizzy over things that before wouldn't have fazed me!! I hate it, but I AM NOT GOING TO BE RULED BY THIS THING. Has anyone else out there been in the same situation, and gotten better? The doctor has me on 40mg of buspar daily. Don't like taking these meds. They seem to take a slight edge off, but I still have this problem. It's like an anxiety switch has been turned on in my brain, and I just want to switch it off! Any Ideas?
New to this, so here it goes..... - Anxiety and Depre...
New to this, so here it goes.....

I suffer from depression and anxiety I take an antidepressant that works good for anxiety attacks but is now not working for my depression it can take a little to find a med that works for you hang in there
Im sorry that you've been struggling for a year now. I had my first panic attack ever three weeks ago. Never knew we could feel like this or what anxiety was. Took me completely by surprise because my life was relatively not stressful and I was happy. So I had nothing to attribute it too. I have started taking natural supplements because I want medication to be a last resort for me. Magnesium, valerian root, and anxiety free pills seem to help. Also just being confident as possible and accepting the anxiety I have rather than running away from it. I just want this to go away because Im only 21 and at a very important stage in my life right now as I graduate from college next year. I totally know what it feels like being stuck in this state of mind where you feel so far from yourself. If you ever need someone to talk to Im here. You should definitely look into supplements if you do get off your medication. I also have some great books to recommend if youre interested.
Well the books that i read are specifically for anxiety. One of them is by Claire Weeks and is called Hope and Help for your Nerves. very helpful!! And another is called DARE (if you type in DARE anxiety it should come up.) Both have been very educational and effective! I am slowly recovering, day by day. And the supplements I take that help me the most are magnesium, valerian root, and 5-HTP. The magnesium is the best! I take one every day. It is also good to get on a daily vitamin, like one of those daily one-a-day vitamins that have a bunch of different vitamins in them.