Hello everybody! I hope you’re all having a good day today and if you’re not I hope you know you can share your feelings here and that you’re never alone x
I have a little life update for whoever is interested lol... even if nobody is I still like to share my thoughts and feelings on here x
Due to my physical health, depression and anxiety, ever since I left education at the age of 18 I wasn’t able to continue with a Career or further education .
My depression crippled me at the age of 18 for roughly 3 years and after that I had severe social anxiety. I’ve always been disappointed in myself for not being ‘able’ to do anything in life as I knew I had potential and passion.
Well today after 10 years I HAVE ENROLLED ON TO A COURSE!!! It is the first step towards my journey of doing something for myself and reaching my full potential! I start in a few days!!!!
I hope I do not bail!!! This time I am actually excited... I’m also really scared and nervous!
Wish me luck!!!