I believe I have social anxiety due to the fact that I feel soooo stressed that causing me to have brain fog and tight throat when I need to do a speech in front of the audience. Since I don't have other problems in normal social life with family, friends, and strangers, I don't want to see a doctor and am put on RX medication. But the big issue is coming......I've been summoned to show up for Jury duty selections beginning next week. I'm sooo freaked now. I don't want to get selected, sit on the panel and answer to the questions to the Judge and lawyers in front of a bunch of strangers. I knew the same symptoms of social anxiety would emerge and the situation would scare me to death. What should I do?
Jury Duty: I believe I have social... - Anxiety and Depre...
Jury Duty

You can tell them about your mental illness! Explain that you can’t be in places with a lot of people. Maybe just see a doctor one time to get a diagnosis and ask your him to write a note. I’m pretty sure it’s easy to get out of. I would be freaking out too. You are definitely not alone with this issue. X
The chances of you get picked for a jury are pretty slim. Will you lose pay at work if you have to take time off? Issues with child care? Usually a financial hardship of some kind can get you out of the running.
The Judge was strict. 80% of people who have different kinds of hardships got turned down. I heard someone told the Judge she got no pay at work for the jury duty, but the judge said "Sorry, you still have to fill out the Questionnaire and come back next week"
Yikes, idk then. If it were me. telling everyone about my anxiety would probably just make me more anxious, but that's always an option. Just remember that nobody cares, and hardly anyone is paying attention to you except the judge/lawyers. The other folks are probably dreaming up ways to get out of it too.
I was recently summoned for jury duty for the first time in my life. Unfortunately, my state has a 3 draws or 3 trials, whichever you fulfill first. I've done two draws and one trial. In my case, they didn't interview potential jurors individually, just as a large group. Other than missing work, it wasn't too bad. I hope you'll only have to go through one draw, and if not selected, you'll be done. When you go, take a deep breath and remind yourself 'this too shall pass.' I know it's very cliche, but it is true. Tell yourself you are in control, not your anxiety. You can do this.
you can get a doctors note excusing you from jury duties on health grounds as far as I know.
Go to the courthouse and ask the clerk in the court house where you can explain your medical condition. The clerk will more then likely ask what’s wrong. You can tell her about your anxiety and panic attacks! You will be more then likely to be excused! I’ve done this on the day of my jury! Clerk was under stable and excused me from jury duty.
Most people called for jury duty feel exactly the same way as you do.IIt's not as bad as you think because you will be with a whole bunch of other people who will be in the same boat as you.. You meet actually find it interesting.
There will probably be up too 200 people there for jury duty so the odds of you actually being chosen are pretty slim. But every one will be feeling exactly the same as you. If you do go, try to get chatting with one of the others and it might help you to settle your nerves a bit.
I got a note from my md.