How is everyone doing? I feel like I am progressing somewhat. My anxiety has manifested itself into when I drive. I am not an anxious person outside of that. Anyone relate to this or just wanna talk about their anxiety? I am hoping to become a licensed therapist specifically for anxiety and depression. Would love to chat!
The joy of Anxiety.: How is everyone... - Anxiety and Depre...
The joy of Anxiety.

I totally relate to the anxiety while I am driving and it sux! Don’t know why it happens . I just breathe and put on chill music and sometimes it works. If it’s raining hard out forget it than it’s worse
What types of distances does this happen with?
It happens when I drive any distance because I don’t drive on highways or anything. Just my normal route to work or wherever I’m going even locally.
Happens to me as well but when I’m stuck in traffic, if I’m on the move I’m mostly ok. Also after a month of constant attacks I’m free 2 days now. Really enjoyed these couple of days hope I can find more.
Well, i feel anxiety in different things which i have to learn ...and not disappoint myself and/or others. Job is always great source of anxiety for me, now i have a new job and it is tough....I have never satisfied with myself, and it seems to be that people are never satisfied with me. I am trying to overcome that...but it is part of my personality and it is difficult to deal with that. So i am not sure about the "joy"....
I can relate. Once I start driving my anxiety kicks in. But I'm thankful to have a bestfriend that calls me every morning to talk.
This has happened to me in 2013. It came out of nowhere and although I am much better; I still find it difficult especially if it’s a long drive.
I cannot believe all your posts its like you are in the car with me. Because what you guys are saying is exactly what happens to me. What is going on I used to be a great driver now i am forever with my foot on the brake and its worse on freeways big trucks cars to close to me. Does anyone have any advise. Please
For someone who struggles with it like myself, its all about finding that peace behind the wheel. Whether it be a go to thought that panic cannot harm you, or a song that will relax you, maybe calling a friend to talk to while you are driving to calm you down and realize you aren't alone, things like this to try while you are driving to help.
Omg me too with driving! I used to love it and now I get panicky and frustrated with other drivers. I think it’s awesome you want to be a therapist. You have something to work towards. Anxiety to me, is just hell. My thoughts race and my heart feels like it’s going to explode. When I’m at home with anxiety, I literally just freeze up. I curl up in a ball on the couch. It’s more of a feeling you know? I’m always here to chat. This site literally saves my life everyday.
Hi Coreyfish03, I was Agoraphobic for 5 years and it was a process in getting back out again into the stores and driving once more. For me, I founding that deep breathing became my companion in keeping me in control. Using deep breathing in the car allowed me to no longer worry about getting stuck at a traffic light or a train stop. It was that effective for me. We all find what works best.
I hope you do go into therapy for anxiety and depression. After having been Agoraphobic, I see a big need for therapists who work on site with the patient both in driving as well as walking out of your comfort zone. I was fortunate at the time that I was able to find 2 therapists who did come to the house to work with me. Just a thought Corey, should you go on to becoming a therapist. Good Luck
That is such an excellent point! Not everyone is comfortable with going to a location to meet with someone but would prefer someone to come to them. I understand that completely and I hope that my experience of going through similar to what you have went through will help others. If you ever need to talk, I am here. Thank you for your kind words.