I just joined. I have generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder and depression. It’s been rough. I was taking a low dose for f Ativan last year and my doctor did an abrupt cessation and really destroyed me - emotionally and physically. I’ve been back on a medication thanks to finding a good psychiatrist. But, I’m still going through protracted withdrawal and crippling anxiety mixed in with depression. I’d love to share thoughts on coping skills. I wish you all the very best in your journey. Thanks for having me.
Hi. I’m Joy!: I just joined. I have... - Anxiety and Depre...
Hi. I’m Joy!

Hi I'm Steve, welcome to the site that actually helps,there are some absolutely amazing people here who can help, even if you just want to vent,just hit me up,best wishes Steve
Hi Joy and welcome! I hope we can support you as much as possible.
I hope you can tell me what works for you. I find breathing a little help, just a little. Anxiety is new to me
Hi Joy! I am new here too. I also have crippling Anxiety, panic attacks and depression as well. I am not so happy with the meds I am currently taking. I have been in a constant battle with my psychiatrist trying to find the right meds. She currently has me on Duloxetine, Mirtazapine, Propanalol, and Gabapentine. and now she just added a pill to help me sleep.
On these meds, I feel more present with my feelings. I was on Lexapro and Paxil before for many years and I felt like I would have to drink to feel any emotions.
Resilience is a coping ability, thinking that all things happen for a reason, and that you have to put attitude and enthusiasm to life. A hug
Hi Joy! Good morning and welcome. I'm sorry to hear that you were suffering. I too have anxiety and panic attacks. I've been suffering for years and on and off medication. I did a medication switch about 2 and 1/2 months ago and I'm still feeling the effects. It's been a very rocky ride but I'm finally seeing the other side I think praise God... Fingers crossed. It is a daily struggle if the daily process. I meditate, practice relaxation techniques . I also go for acupuncture and I have a therapist that I see once a week. Find something to distract you. Read, clean, get out of the house. Don't be captive. Download the following audio books. They break down anxiety for us... The ones that are suffering. It's a easy listen. Stay strong you have found a safe place always reach out when you need somebody We are all here to listen and will provide our support for you. We are all in this together. 🙏❤️👍💪
Hi Joy, Thanks for sharing. Some things that help me are being out in nature, hiking or riding my bike. I also enjoy singing karaoke at home by myself. I like to sing songs that I can relate to emotionally. Counting my blessings helps me get refocused on moving in the direction of being more hopeful.
Ativan can make you feel worse,I know the terrors of anxiety,I was on klonopin for years and it did wonders for me,but had to move to south florida to caregiver my ill mom,they cut me off cold turkey I went 31 days w No Sleep n terrible panic attacks I felt do hopeless and angry,I live w severe chronic pain and depression w anxiety disorder w panic attacks..I know you should maybe try duluxotine it's helped me not fully bat took edge off..then to top it off my brother took his own life and his bday is Saturday it's got my mom a mess....Hang in there this is a good self help group...keep us posted....watch the benzos there tough..
youtu.be/8NS2Fjm38hgHi Joy, buspar has helped me through my anxiety and panic disorder. Here are some other tips that help as well and has kept me on as little medication as possible. Take time to take care of yourself and do not overwhelm yourself in life keep your life simple each day and be careful of the commitments you make as to not overfill your plate. The link I have attached or refers to simple living there are other videos out there like this if you just search for them. The second really big thing I did that helps stop my panic attacks was to understand the brain and why it's doing this to me.. There are books in the library on neuroscience, basically our brains are wired for anxiety but understanding the brain responses as symptoms has helped me to not panic anymore. So highly recommend you educate yourself on the brain. Next thing that has helped tremendously is an exercise routine. I prefer Qi Gong, it's a form of Chinese yoga and I like walks but occasionally we'll run to burn off excess energy or anxiety. Meditation sessions and affirmation exercises have been essentially healing as well. Each of these things I do nearly every day. And lastly understanding who you are at the very core can help you understand why you are the way You are and learn ways to think healthy about yourself and situations that you have dealt with in life.. Thinking healthy changes the way we think and our thoughts are what spurn on the anxiety and panic. Learn about emotions and ways you can think healthy psychologically.. lastly a religion has helped me to keep my faith and provide me extra support and a social group I can trust. I know it sounds like a lot, it's taking me a couple years to build this routine to support my mental health. Even if you carved out one thing at a time like just starting meditation and your daily life that's progress in the first step.
Hello Lioness, glad you are here, i'm sure you will find it helpful and supportive for you.
Hi Joy welcome! I'm also new here and suffer from the same disorders! I've definatley had a rough road when it came to the bad effects of medicine but now im on medicine and a treatment plan that really works for me and would love to chat if you ever need it!
hi welcome aboard lets hope you bring plenty of JOY to the forum.
Joy , hang in there . We get it .
Sorry to hear that you're struggling right now. Know that it will pass eventually. In the meantime, learning a good breathing technique will help you out immensely. I use the 4 square technique. I breathe in for a count of 4, hold for a count of 4, breathe out for a count of 4, hold for a count of 4, repeat until feeling better. Practice this a few times a day and use it when you feel a panic attack coming on. I've found Propranolol helpful for my anxiety. It's a beta blocker that blocks the physical symptoms of anxiety, the racing heart, the sweating, the shaking. It doesn't have the mind-, altering affects of benzos like Ativan. Meditation will also be your friend. Our brains form circuits based on how much we use them, like a highway system gets funding for roads. If we're always depressed and anxious, those "roads" will be the nicest. When you start meditating, a little dirt road of peace is formed in the brain. W continued practice, that road gets more "funding" and becomes the main highway, leading to peace and joy. There's a cool app, the insight timer app w 1000's of free meditations you can choose from based on your mood. Exercise is great too. Walking for 45 minutes 5 times a week has been shown to actually help lift depression. Qigong, Tai Chi, and yoga are all amazing exercises too in that they are mind and body meditations and they help rid the body of excess energy and anxiety. There's lots of videos on YouTube to get you started. A powerful meditation that you can do in bed is called yoga nidra. It's between asleep and awake, and it helps to soothe the body and rid it of anxiety and depression. Again, lots of vids on YouTube. It takes time, but w practice, you learn mindfulness, learn to live in the moment without judgment, and your brain learns to have less anxiety and depression. Hang in there.... ☮️
THANK YOU all for replying!