is there any other website that i can look for a group for anxiety i have this anxiety that is really bad and i am not sure what to do, cause i tried everything but i just get this pain in my stomach and i am not sure why i get boy crush in my school on me and then i get this pain out of no where. and also i get so many anxiety problems that i am having and is not going away and so i need to talk on a group so i can try to tell them what is happening with my anxiety , my anxiety bugs me too much really badly and i am not sure what to do cause i get up in the middle of the night when my mom is at work and i am alone i get this feelings for this boy , and i have many stuff that bugs me and also i am not sure what is happening cause i got surgery and i got the pain now i need to talk to friends and all of that stuff so i am not sure what is going on , and also i need many friends that support me when i have these anxiety problems so yeah idk i guess i feel kind of scared that i have this pain and i get worried that i am not sure what to do or what to know you know, for my pain causes,
anxiety : is there any other website... - Anxiety and Depre...

You have found us! That's what we do best. Welcome aboard.
There are two organisations I can recommend. One is called "Anxiety UK". The other is called "No Panic" (both UK based). Both have a helpline too which is free, even if you are not a member. Membership (not that expensive) will get you a lot more. For example with Anxiety UK you can access low cost therapy of you're a member.
Besides this website I also recommend checking out the DARE program and book for anxiety/panic. They also have a good facebook support group you can join.
thanks but i am not on facebook anymore my mom took it away from me idk why but just happened, but i do want to check that out
Hi MyDog! Welcome. Have you ever thought that the pain you get in your stomach when you think of your boy crush may just happen to be `butterflies`? (That excited feeling a person gets when they think about someone they like!) It`s a form of anxiety. Almost as if the stomach is tied in knots. If your pain mainly happens when you think about him then it could well be. You most probably have a sensitive stomach and so when you are either nervous or excited you get this kind of bloated pain. It should calm down when you are in a more relaxed state. Some can also get like this before an exam/test. It`s quite a normal reaction. If you feel worried about it however don`t be afraid to see a doctor for better advice. Herbal pills like valerian are pretty good at making you feel calmer. You could also try drinking camomile tea (again - calming) and ginger/fennel tea - they can be great for digestive problems. We are all here help. x
Could always crunch up with a biscuit.
thanks i am gonna try that next time! this time its smores in a cookie size