PLEASE help. I just need some guidance. I have lived with depression, anxiety & possible add for as long as I can remember & I have only ever shared this information with my husband. It is not obvious. I’m good at masking it. But. I am finally at a point in my life where I would like to seek professional help, I just don’t know where to go from here. Any advice on what type of dr. I should see? Treatments? Like I said, I’ve never voiced this before so I just don’t know where to go from here. Thank you.
First time talking about my depressio... - Anxiety and Depre...
First time talking about my depression/anxiety.

Have you tried anything at all of help you?

Yes I have. I eat healthy, I have tried healing my gut bacteria, I exercise on a regular basis, I take a plethora of supplements. I’ve tried meditation as well, but can’t. I have a wonderful life on paper. But still, I have a hard time asking for help.
I managed to heal my got plethora by drinking water at certain times of they day, as soon as I get out if bed and 20 minutes before I eat.
Your first point of contact if you need help should be with your gp.
I'm like you by the way, I don't like asking for help and nobody knows that I suffered a&d. I am free of it now though.
Hi, Jweixel. I am very high-functioning person as well, in that most people wouldn’t know that I suffer from anxiety or depression by meeting me. I identify retrospectively as having been depressed from about the age of twelve, but only started receiving medical treatment for the issue once I was unable to leave bed at about seventeen. Since then, over the course of my treatment, I have learned that keeping my concerns to myself was also invalidating them and slowly leading me to believe that I was incurable crazy for having negative thoughts or anxiety at all. You can only really treat these things when you’re honest with yourself about them and I’m glad that at least your husband knows you have been struggling. Thank you so much for taking the first step to open up and please, try not to scare yourself out of continuing to do it.
In terms of seeking formal help, I would seek out a psychologist. Typically, I do this by looking for nearby specialists and calling to see if they’d be willing to do a phone interview to outline their philosophies and treatment plans.
Good luck and please keep us in the loop if you’re comfortable ♥️
You’ve started, you’ve made the first step here to shed light on this pain. Keep stepping forward. I have the same questions you do. Know there is help all around you, you just have to ask. I’m sure more folks will add their advice. You’re doing the hardest thing, the first step, joining us here. It takes guts and grit and hope.
Go to your regular Dr. first and tell him how you feel. First step,then go from there. It's hard to even tell your dr., but necessary as a start. I was in the same situation and found that the more I tell others,truthfully, the better I feel. It's a good feeling to finally not to work so hard hiding how you feel. There is every reason to belive that you will feel much better soon!! Hugs
It's great you're ready to deal with your problems, that's a good starting point in itself. I also suffer from anxiety and depression and in January last year aged 35 I was diagnosed with ADHD. It can be tricky finding the best course of treatment for you but if you speak to a doctor who knows about these things they can point you in the right direction. ADHD is extremely difficult to live with if it goes undiagnosed and untreated so I would make it a priority to get assessed for that as soon as you can.
Anxiety and depression are very difficult to live with if you are trying put on a good face all of the time. I did that for years and even my really good friends never really knew who I was. It took a great deal of courage to start opening up and being real with people. Not all of my friends wanted that kind of relationship but there were some who stayed with me through my trials. There are some really good counselors who can help here if you want to talk: 855-382-5433 is a good start..they can find you a good counselor in your area. I truly hope that opening up will help relieve some of the anxiety for you!