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I am starting rember more about my child hood abuse

Lynseyhot profile image
11 Replies

This is going be my first time telling anyone this I can't tell the family this happened to me as lose them all if I say this to them

I am getting flash backs about my brother that also abused me not has much as other guy did I rember my brother doing stuff to me that I never liked I never told any one these I think it's time to say it because if I keep in side me I think I never get better and never able to move I haven't told my consoller yet I do not know what to do about

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Lynseyhot profile image
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11 Replies

Just tell your therapist like you have expressed it here. They’ve heard much worse, trust me! Do what needs to be done for your healing. No shame...not your fault! Tell your therapist. It will help them to help you...

I agree. Tell your counselor first. You've told your counselor about the voices, too, right?

Lynseyhot profile image
Lynseyhot in reply to

I told her first person that abused me and voices but never told her about my brother abused

fauxartist profile image

it's a tough step to make honey...but it's a really good one....and like GratitudeFirst says, talk about it with your therapist...... and if you have a hard time doing that .... I used to write down what I wanted to talk about to help me stay on track and focus....I would get nervous and think I had to have a nice conversation or something and not be in there for therapy.... so like my dear friend used to tell me all the time..... focus.... and that kept me on track. Please know that writing about it here is safe too.. no judgement, your anonymous, and many of us here have endured child abuse too.... we understand.

MariaLove123 profile image

Yes definitely tell your therapist. Trauma is so weird when it comes back to us in flashbacks. That’s why seeing a trauma therapist is good too. And joining a trauma support group. But the best thing you can do is not let it define who you are today. Unfortunately something happened and you should absolutely talk about it; but never let it control you. That’s awful what your brother did. I’m so sorry. I’m really glad you felt comfortable enough to share with us. And we’re here for you always 😘

rach1402 profile image

You should definitely tell your counsellor so they know what has been affecting you. Childhood abuse can often result in psychosis (hearing voices and seeing things) as a way of mentally and emotionally distancing yourself from the trauma. If your counsellor knows how serious it is they might change your treatment accordingly or refer you to a specialist. I know it's terrifying opening up to somebody about something like that because you worry they might not believe you or think they might blame you but they're used to this kind of thing and will know what to do. They didn't become a healthcare professional to judge you, they want to help you but they can only do that if you let them. Be strong and keep talking to us here, we're all here for you x

Lynseyhot profile image
Lynseyhot in reply to rach1402

Thanks last night was bad the voices were really bad and been having loads nightmares at the moment finding it hard to deal with

rach1402 profile image
rach1402 in reply to Lynseyhot

It's good that you're talking about it, you don't have to deal with this alone. The voices and nightmares might be trying to tell you something that could help you. For a long time it was thought that the voices should be ignored but they are coming from your own psyche and they might give you some insight, with the help of a trained professional of course. And obviously if they're telling you to do anything bad you shouldn't listen to that. There are books you can get to help you interpret dreams or you can probably Google them to get an idea. I know it must be scary but if you can try to find out, with the help of someone who knows what they're doing, what the voices want, they might actually be trying to help you x

Lynseyhot profile image
Lynseyhot in reply to rach1402

Voices telling me hurt myself there been view times cut my self because they have been that bad they also tell me to not trust anyone

rach1402 profile image
rach1402 in reply to Lynseyhot

They're telling you not to trust anyone because you've been hurt by someone you should have been able to trust. They're only trying to protect you from further harm but they're mistaken about not being able to trust anyone, just be careful who you trust. As for the ones that tell you to hurt yourself, they are not helpful and you need professional help with those ones because it's not as simple as being able to ignore them. They're coming from you so you can't just make them go away unfortunately, you need someone with the right experience to help you learn to live with them safely. If you find the right professional you can get better, don't give up looking for the right person who understands your problems fully and knows how to help you work with the voices so they can help you without putting you in danger. Good luck, be strong x

First off I understand 100% where you are coming from. my brother raped me when I was young. I'm so sorry you went through this. You must tell your therapist about this, you need to be able to get it off your shoulders. I sure hope you know this is not your fault. They will answer someday & we won't be in those shoes. I'm here for you, reach out to me if you'd like. Love, peace, light, joy & hugs!!!

P.S. I wish I could say that was the only one growing up that was so evil & know that's what that is, evil.

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