how do you cope with something important and just wanna give up because you don't want to deal with it at all. because its hard enough to do anything about it and i just wanna give up.
how to cope with issues : how do you... - Anxiety and Depre...
how to cope with issues

sometimes i give up to be honest with you...and it is not good, but it is life and it is my anxiety and over reaction to things, i forgive myself in this case and move on. But sometimes i just push myself to do something which scares me to death, i acknowledge the fact that it is scary and easier to give up and walk away...but i try to talk to myself that it will be ok, that i have to try, to keep going, not to give up. And many times it turns out not to be as horrible as i expected, and i feel such a victory when i manage not to give up and accomplish something difficult. And also, i hope, it gives me some strength and experience for the next time not to give up. Also sometimes it is easier to split on stages/steps some very challenging thing you have to do. And do 1 thing at a time, and congratulate yourself every time you are done with this one step, and then go to the next one. I hope you can use any of what i am describing here. Let me know please if it helps. My support and hugs to you!
yeah but its hard and i can't just deal with it.
it is difficult to advice without knowing what it is ...if it is something you can give up, do it(see beginning of my comment, i do it sometimes). But first think if it is really needed to give up. I hope you are not talking about Life itself. Life is the most important thing and you are the most important person and needed here and in the world.
Never ever give up on life, things will get better.
If it is not Life, you always have this choice : to give up something which is too difficult to deal with ...or ask help from others. Does it make sense?
I have found from past experiences that when I give up I feel worse than if I tried and failed. Now I just do it and let the chips fall where they may. At least I can say I tried.

interesting approach, i should remember that one.