I broke up with the person I love because I was afraid to commit. Now I feel horrible and like I made a huge mistake, because I realized that I loved them (at first I thought I was just infatuated). I am so depressed and I feel like there is a heavy weight on my chest. How do you live with the choices that you make?
How to live with your choices - Anxiety and Depre...
How to live with your choices

Hi littleorange8, as difficult as it is to accept and live with the choices we make in
life, it usually is for the best. We may not see the reason we first made that choice
but something at that time made us go with our gut feeling. It's normal to feel regret
at times. That regret you feel is coming out as the weight you feel on your chest.
Give yourself time to adjust mentally and emotionally with your decision. See where
this all leads to. If it really was meant to be, things will happen that will bring you
back together. If not, then you will know that you did make the best choice at that
time. xx
He was my best friend and the person who understood me most. He treated me like a princess and he was the man of my dreams. I don’t know why I let him go. I think I wanted him to be able to meet better girls, because I didn’t know what I wanted until I let him go. I didn’t know how to appreciate him. Until now.
I know littleorange, it's a hard pill to swallow when we make a decision we
regret. I remember reading your posts about him being your best friend and
someone who understood you the most. The fact that you thought he deserved
to meet better girls, shows me that you didn't appreciate who you were at that time.
I hope it's not too late for things to change if that's what you really want. But think
about it seriously and not just emotionally. But be ready for rejection should it come to that. My best to you xx
Are you seeing a therapist? If you do then I think this topic might be good to explore. Why do you feel so unworthy to date a nice guy? Is it guilt? Maybe accepting him scares you? I don’t know I am just giving examples if you see a therapist of avenues you can explore. I
I have been there. It can be painful at first but then things get better. You can use this time to figure out why you did not want to commit. Was she not the one? Were you not ready? Either way - now is the best time to work on making yourself the best you can be. There are a lot of good singles resources out there. Some churches have singles ministries. Those have been a good place to learn, discuss issues and gain confidence for me. Another good resource I found is a website called Boundless.org. That is chock full of very useful information. Good luck my friend! Good things are in your future!