I've expressed my fear and anxiety of dying in a different post, but another component to that is the meaning of life. What is the meaning of life if there is an inevitable death in the end. Nothing of what I do will be remembered in a few generations. My existence wouldn't have mattered. This is more of a harsh realization that I cant seem to get off my mind. It sometimes leaves wishing that I wasn't born. I dont want to die, but I just did not want to be born just to die a meaningless death.
What is the point of living? - Anxiety and Depre...
What is the point of living?

What makes you think there is any automatic meaning to life? You have to find meaning it for yourself and a life that you enjoy and want to live. This can take a long time but that's ok coz you are searching for yourself.
I guess the reason why some people are desperate to be famous is that they will live on in a form of mortality. Who knows what's at the end of this life? x
No way would I want fame, I want to known for being loving & loved, like you! XXX

I dunno sometimes a bit of fame sounds nice! xx
Oh no way babes not for me...dig me a hole, hahaha!!
I don't mean to sound harsh, I have a sign..it says...life is what we make it..always has been..always will be. We must fight the good fight, learn to love ourselves. I'm here for you wishing you peace of mind. Love & Hugs!!!
I am a women who chose her career over having a family of my own making, I inherited my family I have now. Many have children for different reasons....mostly I've heard its a need to carry on the family, and wanting kids...and being remembered. I think it's what we choose to do with our lives that's important now. Many people want a legacy...so they write, compose music, create art, etc.... But for myself...I'm happy enough with living my life now, and if I'm remembered... that's just a nice notion to me, not a necessity in my life.
I don't fear death, I see it as just a natural thing...we live an we pass on....it's okay...
OOHHH.. you will be remembered! Love, peace, joy & hugs for ya pal!!!
Hey welcome to the harsh reality of our world. I’ve come a long way and I agree with you 100%! I think about the meaning of life and it just saddens me that me, you, or anyone won’t matter all that much except to our close circle of family. If half of the population was wiped out from a natural disaster or full out nuclear war life will simply move on with or without us. Life is extremely remarkable and resilient in recovering. In all honesty the world don’t need us because if anything we are the source of all problems relating to destruction. We are to blame for the many deaths of genocide through wars. We tear down the ecosystem and homes that belong to animals. we create pain and suffering of each other through murder, rape, money, politics, greed, status, and power. Those in power are likely going to abuse it. No one really cares about kindness and respect because if that was the truth there wouldn’t be suicide and depression amongst our fellow human being. From my personal experiences the three things us human beings value the most but won’t admit due to being shallow are looks, status, and wealth. The poor, dying, sick, or dead well.....you can **** off unless you fit one of those three categories of being attractive, rich, and high profile then you might be worth saving. Be honest and truthful and you can see how human beings really are to the core. Like I said I’m not in anyway jealous or hating on others I’m just simply speaking nothing but the truth. Note that yes, some are loved weather they sick, poor, ugly, or low status, or for whatever some odd reason but that is a very small number. Human beings in general are cruel, greedy, and savages those few that you meet that are kind and genuine are diamonds, but sadly the minority of kind people has left earth already:/ damn....I’m talking too much lol...take care!
well...that's a pretty bleak outlook on life...and for the most part...society in general is pretty sick and needs healing....however....we can make choices as to who and how we choose to live our life. An ocean starts with one drop of water, as do changes start with one vote....so if you want change...vote. If you want to live in a better world, surround yourself with loving people...and as you say, 'F' the rest of them. This place here is a good start....we actually do like each other here, and show kindness, and compassion. You get what you give.....and some are takers and some are givers...the trick is to find that fulcrum on which to balance your boundaries of acceptance.
I personally feel we all have a plan and a purpose for our lives that only we can fulfill
The meaning of life for me is to be impactful to those around me.
You may not be 'remembered' generations to come, but the impact you have had on one's life will be felt for generations and generations. You inspire just one persona and the fruit of that lives on and on. I am not an amazing writer, but my writings inspire others to write. Same with my painting and photography, while I may not ever see fame, I have inspired other's and their greatness far outshines mine. Without my 'light' they have told me they would never have picked up a pen or a brush. Who can you bless today?
I pray you find that passion and fire that inspires you.
Best wishes!
I struggle with that myself. All of the things I wanted in life have shriveled into the question, why, what is the point? If I died today at least pain would be gone.
Tomorrow is always a new chance to find the answer that makes us smile and finally understand.
This is such a hard concept because you want to have a purposeful life, but depression can knock you over.
I struggle with these same thoughts and it’s good to know we are not alone on this journey. Perhaps this is part of our purpose, helping one another.
All I can say is that it is a fight that needs to be kept on fighting. I find that setting goals helps or adding structured activity in my day gives me a sense of purpose or at least a sense of productivity .