I've been really worried about this for awhile. Anyone else feel emotionally numb? Some days it hits me really hard...like it feels like i have no emotions. This probably sounds crazy, but like I know i love my mom and friends, but sometimes I only know it, i don't feel it emotionally....does this make me heartless?
Emotionally numb, anyone else? - Anxiety and Depre...
Emotionally numb, anyone else?

no, it does not make you heartless. Usually I feel numb when i am very tired of emotions, they were tearing me apart, and it is self-protection to feel nothing, to feel numb. I had this a few times ...but it did not last for a long time. So you look for a reason you feel numb..and deal with it, or just accept that fact for now, it means you need a rest...let yourself feel nothing...emotions will come back. Hugs and light and warm emotions to you!
You are not the only one. I , too, often feel numb to emotions. I thought it was just me and I was a terrible human being. It is just hard to care about things and show emotion. I know that when I do care and show emotion, I just end up getting hurt in the process. So, I think it is better to just act like a "robot" (so to speak). It almost feels, now, unnatural to have emotions and feelings. And when I do, I feel like people think I shouldn't. I am probably over analyzing myself here...
Yes that feeling that you're just existing not actually living.
No this does not make you heartless at all! I definitely know how you feel. I’ve been having days where I also feel emotionally numb. I don’t know if you are taking any medication but that could be contributing to how you feel. If medication is the cause for your numbness then you need to talk to your doc about it right away. If it’s not medication causing you to feel this way then depression can definitely be contributing. It really does help to talk to someone about how you’ve been feeling and you can start by seeing a therapist. And if you can’t see one for whatever reason or it’ll take a while to be able to see one then it definitely helps to keep track of your thoughts and feelings in a journal. Also you can message me anytime too, I definitely can empathize with you. Hang in there!
Of course not! The fact that you realize when you feel numb makes you the opposite! There are times when I get that way too, and it’s scary. You look at your love ones and you feel….nothing. However, I think that might be your mind’s way of trying to protect itself from pain. Have you noticed if there is something that triggers this? Maybe a specific situation or conversation? I know for me, it’s usually when I’m feeling very overwhelmed and my mind just starts to shut down. Have you discussed this with your doctor? It may be nothing, but there are certain conditions that can cause this, such as depression or anxiety. I pray that things with you improve soon. Please keep us posted on how you’re feeling or if you just need to talk. God bless.