Have you found that when people find out about your anxiety they treat you differently? I am a teacher and if anytime I mention having GAD it's like saying I have some contagious disease. People think so differently about people with mental illness. If I had diabetes no one would judge me!
Telling too much: Have you found that... - Anxiety and Depre...
Telling too much

It’s so sad! Yes, people do tend to behave that way. I work in a skilled nursing facility and one of my residents is schizophrenic. She had a meltdown yesterday and I had to give her a shot in the arm in an attempt to ease her symptoms while she was throwing anything she could find at people. After the shot she began crying. I stretched out my arms and asked her if she needed a hug. To mine and everyone else’s amazement, she walked towards me and fell into my arms. I held her and whispered calm, sweet affirmations to her. It was amazing! I’m so grateful that I’m not afraid of mental illness or I would have missed out on such a wondrous hug! Hell, I grew up surrounded by it, so I shouldn’t be afraid!! 🌷🙂🌷

You are such a help to us! I feel your hugs with each of your postings!
Anyone can get anxiety, I believe one in five Americans have some kind of mental illness, I know people are quick to judge thinking that we are psycho, they dont have a clue of what we are going through, they too can get sick with this illness so they need to be careful on judging others. Some people just don't understand!
your right.... people fear honesty and the truth, because sometimes it is a reflection of what they are incapable of doing, being honest with themselves and others. Social stigma and ignorance is alive and well but also is a farce....everyone has something in their closet... I don't know a soul who doesn't...but just so there is no BS around me being open about my issues, I am just very selective who I choose to talk to....
Yes, that s why sometimes I feel better with someone who has had or has mental health problems as they understand better
Hi there. You are right.... I have also noticed a dark side from talking about MH..... It can sometimes give unscrupulous people power over u. Don't know if anyone else has noticed that... Probably due to begin vulnerable. Any thoughts?
shadow x
Absolutely. And unscrupulous people can pick up on neurosis- you don't even have to tell them you have anxiety or depression. They intuitively know. I had the amazing experience of becoming friends with a true sociopath a few years back. I'd never experienced anything like it. As a result I read the books "Understanding and dealing with manipulative people" by George K Simon, and "Character Disturbance" by the same author. They empowered me immensely. Not only did I start seeing these types of people for who they really are (and fortunately, they are rare- many more well-behaved people in the world!), but it also gave me insight into why I was such an easy target- and, what to do about it
Absolutely. The world is full of evil but we have to make sure, as women, that we don't project our vulnerabilities as these people seem to be attracted - maybe it's like some sort of pheromone- like flies round . .. u know what !
Love n peace
Shadow x
I agree that a lot of people can be quick to judge, but I also think we (I do anyway) can be quick to assume someone else is thinking something negative but I bet at least half the time they're really not. Everyone's just trying to do their best with whatever situation they're in and sometimes they just don't know how to deal so they act weird. I just try and take care of how I'm doing and (try anyway) not to worry about how others take it.
I think the responses you are getting are from people who can't understand why you are anxious. So they try to find a logical (to them) reason. I've found that only those who've been in our shoes really understand. Those who support us either were trained how to do so, or understand normal logic doesn't apply, but try anyway, listening without judgement. This narrows support to groups like this, trained professionals, and certain friends and some loved ones. They are out there. Look carefully.
Count on us to help you.
Honestly I think it's fantastic that you are open about it. I think there is immense courage in putting this out there. And I think that, in itself, can be very healing for you. Plus, think of all the people who will relate and feel not-so-alone because you've shared your story!