Midnight shift is one hell of a lonely shift. I feel isolated and no one is ever awake this time of night. But, it is the only shift I function properly on, sleep properly on. There's only so much interaction possible with my coworkers, and the one I work the closest to has been an absolute peach, but when it comes to mental illness she can be a bit ignorant. I don't like showing my emotions at work, but we all know that sometimes it's unavoidable and her reactions can be somewhat hurtful sometimes. What do you do when you really need a friend, but have no one around?
Midnight shift lonliness: Midnight... - Anxiety and Depre...
Midnight shift lonliness

Meditate. Pray. Read a book. Take a walk.
These would be amazing ideas if I wasn't at work.
Oh I’m sorry I thought it was general ideas.
Work-take a deep breath. Smell something-coffee, tea, etc. Think of a happy memory.
I have worked midnights and it sucks that you can't just call up a friend. I don't mind it for short term but long term it gets depressing.
Is there something that you need to talk about now?
The first year was okay. I am getting close to my 2 year "anniversary" and am now facing the depression from it. It's been getting more and more difficult to work through.
Is it the lack of people to talk to, getting used to the time difference, all of the above...?
I have always been a night owl, so the time is actually amazing for me. The loneliness however is almost crippling, it makes it hard to want to come into work. So many times lately, I have broken down in the middle of my shift and couldn't do anything but lock the bathroom door and cry it out. Sometimes when I am in that place I almost just need a calm, familiar voice to help bring me back into reality. More so lately.
That sucks. I have always been a night owl too. I have talked to people on this site because there seems to be people up late. All my friends are asleep. If you ever want meaningless shallow conversation, I'm here. 😊 There are other people too. Most of the UK people are asleep or maybe getting up for the day about now.
Would it be possible to call the samaritans when you feel like that? They are always up for a chat.
There is also a very good online site where you can chat in real time to a volunteer counsellor (a bit of training but no qualifications) called 7 cups of tea. You can offload on there - I have a few times and find it cathartic. x
Thank you very much, I have actually never heard of either of these, but I think I just may check out the website. Thanks again!!
Do you have any pets? A cat can be wonderful company(at home of course), and they are easy to c are for.
Do you take meds? I used to have no control over my emotions, but medication has freed me from runaway emotions.

I have a cat, yes. I love him dearly. As for medication, I have was a guinea pig for 2 awhile to no avail. My doctor has taken me off of everything, because everything makes my emotions spiral out of control in a matter of months after they start working. We're looking into CBD.
What’s CBD? I’m sorry medication has not worked for you so far. As much as I hate to take it, it’s helped me greatly. I’m BP2/anxiety

CBD oil, a part of the cannabis plant that is extracted. It has helped in many cases like mine, and it doesn't get you high or anything.
Ah Okay I saw the non- thc stuff in Myrtle Beach. It’s all over the boardwalk

I imagine so! Now that it's becoming more accepted more people are seeing the benefits of it.
I might have to give that a go🙂

I have been told by a couple peolle that I have talked to about using it, and a couple of them have said that it allowed them to get off the antipsychotics completely.
Hi. I really don't have problems with loneliness... I usually manage to keep myself engaged in different ways. At work, once I get all my work done then I try to clean & organize my work space, or try to find small tasks to get myself distracted. I would even try to break up the monotony by doing short, inconspicuous stretching exercises between tasks. I don't think my problem is loneliness. I think my bigger problem is boredom.
I think the reason I don't have much problem with loneliness (any more) is because I talk to God in small prayers throughout the day... I talk to God throughout the day about EVERYTHING. I tell Him about what I see, feel, think...when I'm mad, bad, sad... There's nothing I keep from Him. He's my best friend who is always there with me. Yeah, you can say that He's my invisible friend, but He is not an imaginary friend. You can talk to him too. I know that you are an agnostic. But God doesn't care what you are. He's not picky. He loves everyone