I hate days when wheres no plans and I see no one . . Time brags on and you can only lie for so long . Get tired of crying an fed up of ' it will be ok you want and see . Keep your self busy read a book go for a walk. I've tried them all . Yes I'm more than low fed up and all . I have no friends kids have their own life and I'm in this blooming room day in day out .. I'm sorry to rant but sometimes you just think what the hell is going on with my life . I was had it all or so I thought . And now wow
To many days alone : I hate days when... - Anxiety and Depre...
To many days alone
Hi..I’m the same hate it when I don’t have any plans...They are the worse days...I am always alone and feel the exact same what’s the point on carrying on...Now I am having more good days than bad...I hope you start to feel some purpose to live...Take Care
I'm finely up and dressed put a wash on and now eating and have a hot drink . Its a start .
Thankyou by the way in taking the time to speak . I to hope I feel better soon and hind a purpose to my life . I'm glad things are looking better for you . X

You’re welcome X
With your lovely dog ... who I'm sure you love to walk . I miss my dog so much you wouldn't believe , t is exactly the same to me a loosing a person to me anyhow . I know exactly what I would be doing if he was still here . . Get your self a hot drink open your back door and feel that cool air on your face
Your neighbourhood. The street . I always found when I walked mine people would be more inclined to say hello .
Yep its sure a tough one. I always thought I'd grow out of it or something like that . I've had depression as far back as I can remember maybe as far back as 4 years of age I'm 50 now . As hard as my life is I have to work on myself. Yes I moan alot rant and god do I cry . But somewhere deep in side of me I know this is not how I want to be and I'm letting my circumstances win over me . By been sad crying fulling apart . It's easy to say get a grip on my self and pull myself together. But just sometimes i have to !!! even if its just to go the shop , have a shower , simple things that keep me moving - hopefully forwards. X

You're never moaning, my friend. 🙂 As I see it, you're sharing bits of your life and how you're feeling.
I'm truly sorry that you've been struggling for many years. You're a warrior.
Bless you but I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm a warrior . I've took a few knocks where I haven't wanted to get back up believe me . But here I am heaven knows why . I'm only now looking in to all my pain and god its hard going makes me so tired . It amazes me how the human mind and body copes . As I have seen first hand some really painful things that know one should ever go though . A warrior no but I'm still here . Thankyou for your kind words ladyHypo x

Yep.. good old 50 here too. Never thought I would have such miserable, feeling like hell almost every day. It’s a process to feel good every day. Eat right, exercise, drink water.. blah blah blah. I think about my younger years and how I could eat anything and still be full of energy. Now my hormones are all out of whack and I feel like nothing like the person I used to be. Anyway.. you can vent anytime. You’re not alone here. I don’t have any friends who come around either. I get tired of other peoples drama or just the competitive nature of people. I don’t want to be around that. Here in the northeast, people aren’t very kind and way too competitive. Here’s to better days ahead and hopefully finding people to be around that make me feel welcome. Hard to find the older you get
Oh you are so right about some people been hard work . Sad thing is I've never really felt like I fit in and as for feeling like myself I'm not sure what that is if I ever did . I to am so tired of feeling tired haha but like I've said in other posts I'm still here . I'm always happy to chat if the right subject comes up . What ever that may be . As for hormones yep I do feel like I've gone a bit mad. Everything is harder the older we get or is that just me . But you are so right Bluesky6 about hopefully finding good people to be around .
Are there any clubs you can join once things get moving again after this virus Grandmar? Things aren`t great at the moment that`s for sure. No doubt many people are feeling lonely right now and wondering what to do with themselves. Not sure if you have a garden. You could think about growing plants from seeds or bulbs and if not a garden then you can still grow them on a windowsill. I did see where a young man once grew around 1000 houseplants in his home! It became his passion. It can be so good to care about things like plants or even a pet like a dog/cat/bird even. You could give some of those plants away later by leaving some outside your door/gate. Just an idea. What you really want yes are people to see and talk to. Here the towns are starting to open up again and it`s like everyone is coming back to life again. I know of many single people who have lost their other halves. They said they couldn`t love anyone else but maybe less than a year down the road they now have new partners and seem happier. Who knows what the future holds for you. It isn`t over yet. A single lady I know decided to plan trips away because she still likes vacations and sunny places. In truth she also wishes to make new friends and maybe meet someone special again. I guess we have to reach out in order to find. When things open up more look at what is going on around you and maybe go along to events where there are no doubt similar minded people. Everyone`s circumstances are different this is true. Some have disabilities so it can be hard to get out. It is okay to be angry sometimes. It helps us gain strength.
Here`s hoping you can find some inner peace. x
1000 houseplants!!! That’s amazing! I enjoyed the uplifting nature of your whole post here, Jay2O , thank you! 😀

I also saw a young woman recently who took to growing cactii/succulent plants. Didn`t know there were so many. She lives in a small flat - no garden - but found great joy in growing them. She likened them to having a pet! Apparently she wasn`t allowed a dog/cat where she lived. Those plants looked so well cared for.
I do have some ideas once I have a place to live . i do like plants and have a peace lily . I lost my dog last June. I do feel my life is on hold until I have some where to call home . I love aquafit and like bike riding but no where for my bike here .
We are all only one click away Lessthan and Bella is by your side. So this is morethanone. x
Are you able to go downstairs?
Yes but theirs nothing down their .
Sorry to hear this. Maybe you can phone your local crisis center to help ease your panic.
Sending you peaceful thoughts........x
The panic won’t let go of you? Did you try telling it to let you go? Demand it! Say, “Let her go!”
Walk bella and count your breathing as you go .
Try to consciously inhale and exhale slowly. Maybe do an activity that helps distract your mind. Call a family or friend to help calm you down. Hopefully your anxiety will lessen.
Glad to hear that you're getting some fresh air 👍