Did I Sleep?: Good Morning! I took a... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Did I Sleep?

42 Replies

Good Morning! I took a Seroquel last night to help me sleep. I had to get out of bed before I fell asleep due to my restless legs syndrome. It was affecting my arms which we flailing all around making it impossible to sleep. After that, I have no idea what transpired. I don’t know if I slept on the couch, my chair, or whether I slept at all. I have felt like I’m drunk...very unsteady on my feet and heavy. I’m dropping everything too. I remember waking up while sitting in my chair with a mouthful of cheese straws...just all so bizarre! And this pic? Who knows!! I hope this fog lifts soon because I’m not big on feeling out of control. I feel as if I’ve been walking and doing things in my sleep. Has anyone out there had a similar experience?

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42 Replies
missskippy profile image

Good morning. Is this occurring frequently? I have had episodes where I don't remember falling asleep when I'm on the computer or feeling I lost time I can't remember what happened. I thought maybe it is from not having enough sleep or the medication I take. The meds are not new though it's something I've taken for years. Your experience is scary. Did you ever sleepwalk before? It sounds like that but you should maybe ask a professional in case you get hurt. I can't think of anything else to advise you. If you find an answer can you let me know?

in reply to missskippy

Of course! I had a few occurrences in childhood where I walked in my sleep. The scariest episode was when we were on vacation and I got up and walked outside of our hotel room and woke up there in the hallway. The door locked automatically and I couldn’t get back in. I started knocking on the door frantically to get back in. My Mother put a chair in front of the inside of the door for the rest of the trip! I also did it once while spending the night with a friend! I’ve never done it as an adult until last night. I have been chronically sleep deprived, so that may have something to do with it. I have a feeling that the main culprit is the Seroquel though. Thanks for responding!

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to

do you talk in your sleep.... I used to sleep walk too as a kid ... but will still talk in my sleep now... and you know you have no filters on what you say.... I am waiting for my partner to ask who I was talking too.... like if I mentioned an ex-'s name or something worse...haaa!!!

in reply to fauxartist

My husband has never told me that I talk in my sleep, but he does! He will laugh too and it sounds fake, like you might do to be polite! So funny!

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to

get this one....I was dream leaping some weeks back..... I dreamed I was kidnapped and trapped in the back of a car.... and was drugged so I couldn't move .... I remember in the dream I was using every ounce of will power to get free and open the car door which was speeding along, but I knew jumping out was the only way to get away and survive.... I woke up with my partner standing over me and I was on the floor....bruised and battered a bit, but nothin broken.... my partner said all they saw was me flying out of the bed ...said they didn't' think I had any moves like that in me....we both laughed about it.... but wow.... I read someone else here had something similar happen too... so I'm not the only one who does that....

in reply to fauxartist

That’s an awful dream! You really must have been fighting for your life...I never remember my dreams except the ones like you’re describing. I never remember anything light or pleasurable, and when I do, it’s usually quite naughty lol!!

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to

I know!.... why can't we just have those dreams.... I do have good dreams...but like you... I usually can't remember them.....

fauxartist profile image

'Mouth full of cheese straws'.... that is hilarious.... and man do I know that drill .... been there and done that too... I took an Ambien one time years and years ago....and didn't feel a thing after a few hours....so I thought...what the heck...I'll take another.... and boom!!!.... I didn't remember anything till I woke up the next day... the freezer was open... I had a pot on the stove... burner still on and it was about to melt.... had food all over the counter top. The worst was.... I didn't remember going shopping for the food.... yes... I drove on Ambien and didn't even remember it but for a vague dream like image.....that' was the scariest thing I thing that ever happened in my life on a drug, next to the late 60's of course. The consequences of what could have happened are unfathomable.... I called my doctor and asked how could they have something this dangerous on the market...it was fairly new at the time... but it puts you in a 'hypnotic state'....sure... I took 2 of them... but geeezzzz..there was no serious warnings about this as all...I dumped the rest of that crap in the toilet. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has done this.

in reply to fauxartist

Oh wow! That’s really scary! Yes! I was quite shocked when I aroused and realized my mouth was full of food! There were several of them on the floor too. I have no idea what I did last night or whether I slept at all. I don’t believe I’ll be taking any more Seroquel!! Sleep is so elusive for me that I feel desperate at times. I see my Psychiatrist on Tuesday and I will be requesting something new for sleep and Gabapentin for my restless legs which is the main reason I can’t sleep. I won’t, however, be requesting any Ambien!! Thanks faux ❤️❤️!

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to

My partner has sleep issues big time, and is very susceptible to drug after-effects so their doctor has prescribed Zimovane and they wake up no problem and better yet.... they sleep. It has a couple of other trade names:

Imovane, Dopareel.

in reply to fauxartist

Oh thanks! I will check into that!

morenews profile image

Wow... I know that my parents were like that if they took ambien ....

Don’t know about seroquel

If it is medication, it will be ok soon.

Take it easy and may be try to sleep.

Hugs !

in reply to morenews

Thank you! I’m feeling much better but still a little unsteady on my feet. I’m fixing myself something to eat and then lie on the couch for awhile. I definitely do not feel rested! Have a great day!!

Good morning GratitudeFirst,

I am sorry you didn't sleep well last night. I just wanted to share my experience with Seroquel. Whenever I would get up during the night to take my dog out, I felt drunk, heavy, unsteady. I let somebody else take her out because once the medicine starts to kick in I didn't feel like myself. I understand that restless leg syndrome makes staying in bed more difficult for you.

I was told that the fog would eventually fade away but I really didn't want to wait. I didn't want to completely give up on the medication because I did notice positive changes. I switched to Seroquel XR and I started taking the medicine a few hours earlier so that I could avoid the Seroquel morning hangover. After a few weeks, it stabilized my mood, and it really helped with my anxiety.

Maybe you just need to make a few adjustments. No matter what you decide, let me know how you are doing.

Love the photo of your baby. :)


in reply to

Thanks so much for sharing your experience. You described the way I felt to a tee! I will let you know...😊

in reply to

Please do! :)

You need to switch off for a bit..I can feel how exhausted you are..

in reply to

Are you an empath? I am and it’s a very interesting gift! You’re right! I do feel exhausted!

in reply to

Try hsp and empath combo. Gift or something else.... :)

in reply to

hsp?? I’m not familiar with that acronym! Share...😉

in reply to

it's an acronym for highly sensitive person. ...Very similar to empath. I'm pretty sure I have the HSP/Empath cocktail :)

in reply to

Me too! I can tell you how my youngest son is doing by being in the same room with him whether he talks or not for a very short period of time. Sometimes I feel like I can read and see through a person regardless of what they’re saying! It can be rather exhausting. I used to read my Mother like a book...I knew days before she fell into a depressive episode that she was headed there. I could always feel her and I learned how to walk on eggshells. I understand...🌺

in reply to

Being around overly negative or fake people wears me out! Lol!!

in reply to

Somebody gets it! :) Don't bring the fake my way!

in reply to

No kidding! Get out!

in reply to

Yeeeesss! Then I get overstimulated and I must have downtime.

in reply to

Exactly!! That’s why I enjoy my me time so much!

wildhoney1214 profile image


Have you looked into magnesium or adaptogens. I don’t have restless legs butbives heard magnesium is great for that. And it knocks me out!

in reply to wildhoney1214

I just ordered Mag spray for my legs, in fact, it may be in the mailbox as we speak! I take Mag pills every night. Thanks so much for your help! 🌞

in reply to wildhoney1214

I do hate to be ignorant, but what are adaptogens?

morenews profile image
morenews in reply to

Yes, magnezium is good for mood, bones and leg cramps( this is what I have sometimes). I started on 200 mg per day as doctor advices.

in reply to morenews

Just got my Mag spray out of the mailbox! So excited! I’m going to try it shortly...

wildhoney1214 profile image
wildhoney1214 in reply to

Adaptogens are herbs that help with stress levels (and lots of other body functions). They take a few weeks to kick in but they keep you from getting overly stressed. One of the best things I’ve tried because it keep stress at a healthy level. I use Gaia Adrenal Support.

in reply to wildhoney1214

Thanks for the explanation and tip!! Can you get that at the drug store?

Marshall64 profile image

Hope many mgs of the Seroquel are you taking? I used to cut 25mg tablets in half and they still knocked me out.

I have Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (similar to RLS) and I take klonopin. On a sleep study without it they said I was running a marathon. On a sleep study with it I was fine. Klonopin comes in a low dose and it helps me sleep.

in reply to Marshall64

It was 25mg. They’re so small! How did you cut it in half? I used to take Klonopin but was weaned off because no one around here will prescribe narcotics or benzos any more. Very sad 🙁! Thanks for helping me that night that I was hysterical! I rarely forget such kindness! Have a marvelous day! 🌺🌞🌺

Marshall64 profile image
Marshall64 in reply to

I used a pill cutter but it has been a long time since I took the Seroquel that I don't remember how well it cut. When pills are small they sometimes almost disintegrate into powder. The one thing I do remember is having vivid dreams with Seroquel.

I hope you find something for sleep and RLS.

in reply to Marshall64

Thank you! I see my Psychiatrist on Tuesday and hope to get some help! She prescribes my RLS meds too.

I think the dog is saying,”really,you had to hit the cheese straws??!!” Just teasing. I’ve had stuff like this

Happen. It feels like a total blackout but it wasn’t on seroquel. It happened to me on ambien. It scares the heck out of ya. I know that much!!

in reply to

My dog is saying, “This is my spot, go away” he’s such a good boy! Fauxartist also had a bad experience with Ambien. I think I’ll stay away from that drug!!

in reply to

It’s scary!! Your dog is adorable!!

in reply to

Thank you! 🌷🙂🌷

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