I have always wondered if anyone else has this same issue with sleep. I don't sleep. It isn't that I can't, I just don't. I get tired and can sleep on the couch with the TV on but to say I am going to go to bed at 9:30 or whatever time doesn't happen. Since I was a child I frequently had nightmares and when I experienced something tragic years ago the nightmares became worse. Doctors prescribe pills to sleep but that isn't the issue. I just don't go to bed. Then I reach a point I am so tired everything else in my life is out of whack. I know I should get more sleep at night and I even have a cat who would love it if I went to bed so he could cuddle with me, but even that doesn't usually work. Anyone else experience this and have any suggestions?
Sleep: I have always wondered if anyone... - Anxiety and Depre...

If you don’t reach deep REM sleep, your body can’t produce growth hormone which every cell needs to function optimally. This is a serious concern. The blue light of the tv or phone or other screens counteracts melatonin production, which soothes and prepares you for sleep. I turn the lights off one by one over time throughout the evening and use amber light bulbs, they have a gorgeous golden glow, get them at the hardware store. Read before sleep, read good books that you have a genuine interest in, that add information to your mind that will empower your life and teach you new skills or inspire you. There are sleep hypnosis videos (mainly audible) on YouTube. You can leave them on while you doze off if that helps you, they help unblock unconscious thought patterns. Success is very closely tied to your commitment to self-discipline and self-control and being an adult with your inner child. Turn the tv off. It’s poison and too much is very bad for your brain. It’s not your fault. Many of us get pulled in and it’s like quicksand. You are avoiding being alone with your thoughts in the dark for the 5 or ten minutes it takes to fall asleep. Strategize for the next day. Think of all the things you can do to make a little progress toward upward momentum, toward happiness and fulfillment. Keep the thoughts empowering and positive. You are the captain of your ship. Lack of sleep over time sets the stage for disease to thrive in the body. You only have one life. Don’t waste it. Coming forward here is the first step. I admire your strength in doing that!! You’re on your way! But really, give sleep some credit. The brain is WASHED of toxic metabolites all night while you sleep so that it can be renewed. No sleep equals built up toxins in the brain that lead to bummer thoughts and confusion and depression. The nightmares/dreams are actually good for you, remembering them means you reached REM and were awakened before the natural gradual wake up process. Try not to demonize or fear sleep or dreams, they heal the brain. Sleep is serious and powerful medicine. Lemon balm tea is a natural sedative. Get CALM magnesium powder and melatonin drops or gummies or tablets at the drugstore. Stir one teaspoon of CALM (or any brand) and a few melatonin drops in a glass of water. Stir, drink and heal from within. My brother has struggled with the sleep issue for many years. It’s taken a terrible toll on his life. Please nip this in the bud. Blessings to you!!!
Thank you so much for your reply. You put it a different way than most people do. I am going to keep reviewing what you said so that I will start to sleep. I really like the idea of turning off the lights one by one to get ready for sleep. I don't have nightmares as often anymore so I do often find being in bed nice. So it shouldn't be such a horrible thing to do. My cat tells me that at night when I don't go into bed.
i went through the same thing about half a year ago. I just couldnt get myself to go to bed. I dont know why Im so glad I got myself together and changed that, i feel alot better now.
I found forcing myself to sleep when I couldn’t aggravated the situation. So now I just read or watch tv till I fall asleep.

I have no problem reading before going to bed but I just don't do it. I even have some good books to read but even that doesn't entice me. Some times I can do it for several days and then I go back to my old ways. I know I would feel better if I could get some good sleep but just doesn't happen. Thank goodness though for HGTV - that is the best channel to watch while sleeping. It is very calming.
lol well I dont sleep until 3:00am in the morning sooo I can relate
it is the basic prob i have,or symptom.its similar to yours, i dare not talk about it even,,,in case it gets worse, the fear that dare not speak its name, as tho'i'm to blame !!!!
is it affecting your health,yawning all the while etc?