Hi I am happy to be joining and here for anyone who needs someone to talk to I know at times it’s hard for someone to express what they are going through or feel like no one will understand, but if I can just help people and let them know they are not alone make me feel like I am doing something right in this world💙
Anxiety : Hi I am happy to be joining... - Anxiety and Depre...

hi and welcome.great first post nice to see someone devoting time to folk in need of support.
Hi and Thank you I myself felt I had no one to go and it’s a feeling I never want no one to experience
im kinda like that just now.my only help is looking deep into a mirror and looking for answers.just binding time so I can deal with my issues properly like I did before.
Hi Stephanie! Welcome to the most amazing community!

Hi , thank you glad to be apart of this community 😁
Make yourself at home.

Hi , and thank you means a lot and it would be a honor to help people who are going through the same battle I face each day or whatever battles they may face
Yes, I do feel the same like sometimes people think it’s something like a light switch u can turn off and off and people often say u look Norma but what is the definition of normal right? But what I find is I pray to God to get me through this and just to give me strength to keep fighting another day you are important to this world and even tho it’s a hard journey we face I feel we can be healed from this it might not happen in the timing we want but I believe we will overcome our obstacles
Say it loud!
Yes , I definitely understand it might be apt of lows than high but I have my kids and they give me the strength to keep pushing through I will keep u in my prayers
I understand that feeling alone makes whatever you're going through seem so much worse.
So you are right in reaching out you are not alone with these feelings. There are others marching along with you.
Yes that feeling of being alone can become overwhelming and often times to much to bare or wondering if this is my life and is this how I’m going to live as I’m typing this I am overcome with the heart pains and anxiety is setting in but I know it will pass it’s hard to push through but I want to help as many people as I can know they are not alone and I am here to help everyday is a battle with me thinking I’m dying and physically feeling like my body is going to give out on me I done all the mri the blood test thinking this is not right how can I go from feeling fine one day to feeling like my whole life came crashing down but the more I hear them telling me it’s my anxiety I have to accept that
Feelings can be crushing. They literally can take your breath away
I personaly am put off by people who recite à bunch of clichés like think positive or just get over it .
Sometimes I feel like I'm on thé wrong planet.
hello Stephanie and welcome... I was once told that I cannot help someone else till I have helped myself.... but what I am finding more important... is by sharing my journey with others who are struggling and healing along with me...that's where my real healing begins.... your pain is valid...and helping is a gift of giving as well as receiving....this is a good place to be .... these are loving and compassionate people .... It's an incredible experience to be with others who care... I'm glad you sharing.....
Thank you You a very welcome and u are 100% correct I know I can’t heal others if I’m not 100% myself but I feel I can’t help simply by listening and being there for someone who just needs someone to talk to and let whatever it is they are going through out and yes I am a giving and compassionate person I may not have all the answers but I am a great listener
oh I completely support you.... that was what I was trying to say... I heal more by sharing my healing with my friends and others here who are going through the same kinds of things...your in the right place... I'm glad your here....it's a good feeling to know your not alone.... as you can see by your response's... these are some awesome lovely people here...
Thank you and I can tell it’s nice to know I have support sometimes family is there but doesn’t quite understand ur daily battles and that is why I joined so I can talk about the challenges I face on a daily basis and I can have people who understand on whatever type of level it may be appreciate you
yeah...I hear ya.... it's hard to explain to someone who doesn't have the disease. Family and friends will tell you what they think you should hear cause they care, but still don't understand like someone else who lives with it does....
Yes I understand especially when I explain to people it feels like I’m going to die literally everyday multiple times a day I feel like I’m going to take my last breath they don’t understand how my anxiety plays a big role for me to do the things they do and invite me to do but sometimes my anxiety holds me back because I’m afraid I might get an attack and scare everyone
Hello, I have read your lovely post, and all the other posts. It makes me feel sad to know So many people are suffering, too bad we cannot get a bunch of us together in a room and share our feelings, love and support each other, too many of us are lonely, i.e. me. I was poisoned earlier this year by an inept provider and my brain is in a mess. I now have a psychiatrist who is doing his best to get me out of this hell, but says it will take months!!! The anxiety I suffer everyday makes me feel like I am already in hell, my stomach hurts and I live in fear, it takes little or nothing to trigger it. My sleep in minimal and poor, I have no family in America, and no close friends here. The Dr. has me on Gabapentin to help with the anxiety, but I feel no different, I am also on 2 antidepressants. I just want my old self back, I cannot read my books, watch TV, drive my car, cook, all things I used to enjoy. And as you say, if I could "Snap Out of It" i would. I am told to be patient, this is 3 months now and the end is not in sight. I do my best not to think of the past, or dwell on the future, but live in the moment, but my moments are empty.
Thank you for reading my tale of woe, any help you can give would be greatly welcomed, I do see a therapist every week. But I think the biggest problem is the poison in my brain. Sprinkle 1..... with love xxx
Thank you for sharing ur story with me and I am sorry that happened to u I know it may seem like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel my anxiety is so severe I can’t drive anymore been almost a year I can be sitting here with family or watching tv and suddenly my body hurts so bad my head feel likes it going to fall off I feel by chest getting tighter and body start to tense up sometimes I don’t know If I can make it through another day but I pray god to help push through I can’t work either cuz being around to many people makes my anxiety act up like crazy the version of “normal me” seems like a distant memory and I cling on to a better me I will pray for you and ask god to give u strength and healing
It’s so hard to deal with everything we go through on a daily basis then through something like this in the mix to give it that extra punch I myself going to see a new psychiatrist and hope that gives me some sort of help I tried medication made me worse I just hope and pray one day I will have my life back and it will better than I couldn’t of ever dreamed
I send u nothing but positive vibes to u
Thank you for your understanding and helpful mail. I am sorry you and I are in the same boat. I cannot watch TV or do much of anything. I am getting worse, and irritable and scared to death, which I find myself hoping for several times a day. The only things I care about are my two cats, nothing else seems to matter. I have no family in the US and my close friends are in Calif. I am a basket case. I find myself laying down a lot. I am going to see my psychiatrist tomorrow, I will beg him for help, I just cannot see myself going on like this for months.
I hope you are getting help and improving. I will go now, I send you love, strength and healing. Sprinkle 1.....xxx
Stephanie, welcome and thank for you such a nice post and suggestion to help.
I hope you also find peace and warmness here, it is a great site, a lot of wonderful people. and we all understand how it is to live with anxiety and depression. Love and hugs to you.
Thanks for joining and offering your support and help I could definitely use it. Unfortunately my family members other than my mother are able to give me any support. I don't have any close friends anymore either.
Hi Stephanie,
Welcome to the group! Thank you for posting this. We all need this encouragement.
Take care and have a lovely day
How can I get a hold of you