I am new here. I have had anxiety for most of my life, but it seems to get worse at times. My doctor has tried anti-depressants, but they really dont work for me. So my doctor has kept my on xanax. I am completely opposed to taking it, but I have to during extreme episodes. Over the last year my increase in xanax has bothered me. Its not really a high dosage, but more frequent and i do have withdrawal. I sometimes do feel like I am losing my mind and try to escape. I would like to talk to someone about their anxiety and how they cope. I try to realize there are good days and bad, but the bad days feel worse. I do see a psychologist atleast once a month. I am pretty hard on myself. Work is stressful.
Anxiety attacks and medication - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety attacks and medication

I also had no luck with anti depressants. I'm on clonazepam and it helps, but didn't resolve the attacks, just helps me not follow my mind down the rabbit hole. If I meditate daily, that also helps, but didn't take away all of it.
I was on antidepressants for a few years also until I noticed that they stopped working. My doctor tried other medications but nothing seemed to help so I quit taking them. I find that exercise does help but even on the bad days it feels like there is nothing that can be done. I would love to find something to help lessen the anxiety on the bad days but so far I just keep up the exercise and sometimes meditation and breathing exercises to help take the edge off.
I heard that exercise is a good coping method. How do you have withdrawal?
Just a follow up on this post. I am having some episodes. So on the advice of my doctor, I temporarily take 2 (.50) xanax during the day to help with the body symptoms. In the past I had to do this for a week or less and then ease back. I look at this as mini episodes. They are annoying but I have to manage them or I will continue to feel worse. My last "episode " was probably over 6 months ago that lasted a week. I want everyone to realize that anxiety works in cycles. When you have an attack it goes up and down.. sometimes it also lasts in cycles, but they do pass and there are moments of clarity. I just realized that today was my Dads birthday (he passed away last year) and it must have been playing deeply in my mind. I finally broke down today and it felt good. The xanax cleared the way for the emotion to come thru. Its not a cure all, but it helps stop the anxiety from overtaking the real feeling. I hate the pills, but they do help me and I take them as needed. As I ween back off of them over the next week I do it slowly even though its only been a week of higher dosages. In addition, they completely knock me out-- which sometimes is what I need to recover. Its not really that high a dosage according to my doctor, but I dont want to take more than 1 mg in a day.
Hi your not alone .