Does anyone else know what it feels like not to love anybody? Not even the people you're "supposed" to love, like family and friends. Everything I thought was love turned out to be something quite different in my life, and what I thought love was supposed to be -- when I thought I had that -- it was fake; it had become for me everything I thought I wanted, yet it was all a lie. There may have been a time when I was loved, but I can't remember what that felt like; I know what it looked like, but I can't find the feelings; and I can't be sure it was love either.
I'm always being told to love myself, but I don't know how; I don't know what it feels like. I'm left not knowing if I've ever loved or been loved, but knowing that I do not love nor feel any love from others now. I guess it's better than being lied to, but at this point, nothing is likely to change; I can never trust anyone to not cause pain, to let me feel safe.
I want to believe in love, but I think maybe there is no such thing.