I’m soo helpless. I don’t kkow what to do. I feel like why am I living in this world ? It’s useless. No purpose. Need help and supports.
Please help. Need someone to talk - Anxiety and Depre...
Please help. Need someone to talk

Ehhhh, im sorry you are feeling helpless. Depression makes us feel overwhelmed like that. Ca you tell us some more about what's going on?
Struggling with hearth problems and woman problems. Very annoying. Just feeling hopeless and helpless. Each and everyday I wokeup feeling like shit all the time . Can’t enjoy anything .. worried soo much and stresss sometimes can’t sleep and lost some weight. Not happy with my body. I just don’t kkow what to do. Please help
We're here to help and listen. Can you share what's going on so we can understand?
We are here. You are reaching out. Don’t give in to the thoughts.
Thanks AZ1970, actually I think I’m not useful or worth it in this life . I can’t understand why am I living for ? I have been struggling with health issues for awhile and it makes me feel more depressed and I just feel like it will not get any better . Sometimes I think to die is better than to live. Why am I living if I only suffered? I have no one to talk to.
You can talk to me
I will listen to you and can understand as I feel the same way
I have no one to talk to about my feelings and that is difficult
This platform is helping me as it gives me something to look forward to what others are saying to me
We can work thru this just communicate
Hugs to you you are worth everything to us and to be in this world
Don’t give up
You are important
I'm sorry you're feeling this way. Tell me what's going on in your mind right now.
I feel the same way a lot 😔 I’m not sure how to tackle those feelings. But if it’s any consolation, you’re not alone at all❤️ I’m here if you need
Yes , this feelings can take life away. Sometimes I think of suicide. It’s just I have no one to share my feelings with. And feel like nobody will listen because they had their own lives. Fake friends only turns to you when they need help and when ur in tough situation, they never shows up.
I am so sorry you are going through a hard time right now. I totally know how that is. I saw you mentioned women problems....I know for me this effects my mood sooooo much. I get so hopeless and have a hard time handling life when my hormones are out of whack. The doctor can help you discover what is going on if it continues. Otherwise please know you are not here by accident....you have a purpose and you are so important. Praying for you! -Rachel
Just know your not alone I just realized that the last few days when I got on here and started reading post. So let's do this together we can't let this or anything else steel our soul anymore. I will be here to talk with you anytime. I know how you feel about not having a purpose for being here I have begged God so many times to please let me go. To sleep and never wake up I even tried to commit suicide a few times Honey I drank enough liquid g ( floor stripper) to kill 10 grown elephants had my stomach pumped left the hospital took enough nitro gliceran pills that should caused me to have a massive heart attack back to the ER stomach pumped again all in less than 12 hrs unfourtnly I didn't get to leave that time I got put under suicide watch for 72 hours and ive thought about a few other times and tried one other time so now i still dont know what my purpose is other than breathing good air someone better should be breathing but i have learned god isnt letting me go easy not after my attempts and still breathing.
I currently live in a Buddhist centre and it has helped me so much in understanding more about life..We r creating our lives..our mind is the creator..if we r afraid we r creating situations where we have to face our fears, if we r angry we create conflicts..basic psychology helped me a lot as well..there are Buddhist teachings on you tube and psychology books in the library..from my understanding, the purpose is to improve ourselves so that external conditions don t affect us..to understand others don t have the power to harm us..We give them the power to harm us bc we allow them to harm us through how our mind thinks..only when we love and accept ourselves will we be able to help ourselves and others..Take care
I understand, sometimes we need to talk it out. It can be tough when we feel we have no one with whom to share our hardships.
Just came across this and struggling in pain today- it makes me very sad to read replies about life’s purpose- that we hav to fight so hard to not let our thoughts destroy us why is this??? I can come to terms with this it just seems soo unfair sometimes I try some days I do so well and things make more sense then other days it doesn’t and I can’t see the beauty it all just seems too terrible and sad and depressing. But I want to have hope and peace and see the good-why does it have to b soo crazy hard!!??? Sorry - I guess I just need to vent some and guess this is a place maybe to do that!
Sometimes people need to defend the reality they created and benefit from. It's better to be a part of the herd, as you benefit from the protection of the herd. However, sometimes the herd benefits from inequities. Reality isn't what exists objectly outside the herd, but what the herd creates. I think it's important to speak your own truth. Sometimes, I struggle with opinions, perspectives and ideas that are put in my head by others. What stops those from being truths?
I appreciate your reply but sorry it’s goin over my head??? Can’t really understand what you r saying??
There's a beautiful sunset, but the sheep are too busy thinking some sheep are black sheep, some sheep are brown sheep, some are yellow sheep, some are white sheep, some are fluffy, and some are curly, some are female and some are male, and they're all so tied up in deciding in which sheep deserve what. Some sheep just want to watch the sunset.
Interesting I think I’m the sheep that just wants to watch the sunset and enjoy it happily but I do get distracted a lot from it unintentionally but I love all the beauty in differences of diff sheep!
Not sure the point exactly of your message or post?? 🤔But it’s interesting thank u!
Wow such caring people I had nooo idea
Sooooo impressd with all the responses wow
I’mTired of being thecsensitive freak in my family nice to know such caring people exist
Had terrible horrible doctors
At times everyone feels helpless…you are not alone..depression is a real medical disease that requires treatment. Please call a doctor or nurse. Or have a friend call for you. If you can take a walk..