This is my first post!
I have suffered with anxiety and anxiety attacks, possibly bipolar as well as having PTSD possibly, being so nervous to be in Front of a group I get red splotches halfway down my face neck and chest, people looking directly at me when I talk makes me feel so sick at my stomach and makes me atually Trimble!
That’s on a personal basis but when it comes to work I can (not like before it worse now) put my mind at work and be confident, yet will be so nervous, but I can mostly still do it for work but on a personal level I can’t even go around people anymore except my family at home !
I guess that’s it for now but it is very much deeper!
One more thing that is new the last 4 months:
I Wake up every morning with so much anxiety, ( I say the word anxiety because the minute I wake up it’s like I can’t breathe, I’m overwhelmed and scared to leave the house and I am a happy person I believe I’m a smart individual, though every single morning the moment The moment I wake my mind races About every aspect in life “My Brain Want Stop!
One minute I’m OK for the rest of the day and then the next I’m not I don’t understand the doctors don’t listen I’ve never wanted nor taken medication because it’s not a cure but now that after all these years and I’m getting older I believe I’ve started Menopause Now, and after teaching myself how to keep control all those years all of a sudden I don’t think right I’m overwhelmed can’t function nor concentrate on one thing anymore Plus it’s more that I won’t Say now, but I’m a hard-working woman now I’m forgetting I forget everything I cannot control my anxiety doctors do not help me I can’t afford a Psycologist and that’s what I need!
Right now I’m so overwhelmed and she is sick so I got to go now
I don’t talk to people about this this is pretty scary I can’t believe I even got on here I am an overly private person!