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No one talk about what happens to your family after surviving a suicide attempt

31 Replies

Just because you're still alive doesn't mean they're not grieving. Mom's face was different, she was careful, trying not to say the wrong things, not letting her voice break, it's not everyday a mother have to clean her daughter's blood off the floor, please tell me how to help you she said, i didn't answer, i love you she repeatedly said, i love you too but your love can't keep me here i answered. I told mom to seek help, she's not okay, she's still in pain even when im right there laying beside her watching a movie, i see the panic in her face when im cooking and the knife is close, she's afraid of my silence and try to make conversation and make me laugh so i will stay out of my own head. So you see suicide works both ways, you're not the only one suffering.

31 Replies

No truer words have ever been spoken, suicide hurt both parties, surviving or not your love ones will be hurt

in reply to

Exactly, the pain is in both side

OT16 profile image
OT16 in reply to

& seemingly, this is Hollywood’s season of it. One act of suicide seems to mirror & trigger the pain in others contemplating the same thing. It’s ever present in folks that have/do try & difficult to hear happening again. Thank you so very much for your follow. Means a lot. 🖤

in reply to OT16

Most times reaching for help take a lot of courage that some people simply don't have, the suicide rates have been getting higher each year. And no problem hun 💙

It's a hard pill to swallow knowing someone you care about was almost gone forever

in reply to

I know

Syrena1999 profile image
Syrena1999 in reply to

It is a hard pill to swallow, almost losing your child can be traumatizing


I never thought to look at it from that perspective. Blew my mind right now.

in reply to

Most people doesn't and thisis a conversation they should be having with their love ones

in reply to

I agree. Thanks for bringing it to the forefront.

CazO46 profile image

Thank you for sharing your story, it's powerful and beautifully written. Life must've felt very difficult for you. How are you at the moment? Have you felt able to talk to her? Maybe healing for you both could come from sharing how this has affected you. Hoping that love and compassion instead of sadness and guilt can shine through, wishing all the best to you xx

in reply to CazO46

Im hanging in was always easy to talk to her, i was always the issue since being open about what's wrong with me have always been hard for me to do, i got use to keeping my pain a secret but it's better now, i speak out when im not okay. Im still getting help and seeing a therapist now i think it's her turn to do the same, my suicide attempts have affected her greatly. And thank you

Francesca61 profile image


in reply to Francesca61

🌻💜💜💜🤗 hope you're having a good day

Francesca61 profile image
Francesca61 in reply to

Hi! I think you're a very special kind hearted young lady and only great things are in store for you!😘🌻🌻

Jvicks profile image

I agree with the posts. Suicide is just difficult to deal with, for all involved. Good to hear that your mom will listen, OP. Definitely a hard conversation to have! Things get better, but I know it is so hard!!

My family dealt with my OD by not saying a word about it. Could have used their support.

Best of luck and take care!

in reply to Jvicks

It's definitely hard for them to talk about it but that conversation is needed, and some family members are just afraid to say the wrong things

Sending you and your family love. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ Suicide is so hard to talk about especially among families. Thank you for sharing your story.

in reply to

Yeah sometimes its like the big elephant in the room that no ones want to acknowledge. And thanks hun, sending you hugs 😚🌻

in reply to

Thank you. 🤗🤗🤗🤗

Miss-P74 profile image

Wow. Your words struck me big time. I wanna give you a huge hug. Sending you and your mumma love ❤️x

in reply to Miss-P74

Thanks love 💜💜💜

Miss-P74 profile image
Miss-P74 in reply to


That’s how my mama responds to me. All of my family really, but my mom for sure. She’s the one that found me unresponsive after my overdose. I’m glad you’re still here, Danielle. We can get through this. 💕

in reply to

Im glad you're still here too hun 🌻💙💙

20Voices profile image

So true, I had to watch in disbelief when my cousin passed. The anger and pain that caused the family. We still don't know if it was an accident or planned, you see it was drugs and although he had not taken any for years he ended up in a really stressful situation and turned to them again.

To this day it is still hard to believe that he is not here. He suffered for years with anxieties and with his addictions. Sometimes the things we do to escape or feel something can go wrong. We think that this is the case with my cousin, but we will never know and the family has just had to move on. I can think of at least 30 people that my cousin's passing affected and many will never forget him or be the same again.

in reply to 20Voices

Im sorry for your lost and that's exactly what i meant yeah the suicide always hurt the loved ones even if you survive it or not

Oh my I'm so so sorry you're going through this. May you be touched with light , may it surround you! Here is my joy, please grasp it & run with it! Love & hugs!!!

in reply to

Thanks love, hope your day's going well 💙

in reply to

So far very good, I'm making it that way today. I want you to know I'm here for you. Love, peace, joy & of course hugs!!! By the sure are Beautiful!!!

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