I meet with a social worker about the out patient program & it went pretty well. She's hopeful for me. They have you go on medical leave during the process, starting now until the end of the month. I start the program on Wenesday. Called my boss which was diffcult. I work at a store with 2 other people, plus the owners. My boss has a lot going on (takes care of her 96 yo mom). One of my coworkers doesn't have a key, I don't know the reasoning. I'm feeling like I've let them down... but I know I need to do this. Very happy to have my husband & brother there for support. Glad for all the support... it means a ton. It's the best medicine... love & hugs & better days.
Trying to be hopeful: I meet with a... - Anxiety and Depre...
Trying to be hopeful

It's very important to face this head-on, and you're lucky to have such support in your family. You're on the right track. I wish you all the best.
That's great news,thanks for letting us know,try not to feel things about others,only yourself counts right now and getting better.best wishes to you.how'd you get the s.worker?did Dr refer you?what part of world are you from?

I'm in CA, US. Using the mental health dept at my hospital. My therapist referred me to the out patient program.
Hang in there, You can do this, I've got your back sister friend. All my love with dump trucks of hugs!!! Here's my joy along with peace. XXX
I am so glad that you are taking good care of yourself and have support! Please don't feel that you are 'letting others down.' You are being healthy and taking care of yourself; that is so very important!
Yayy you're on your way to get better Mel 💜💜💜💜💜🌻🌻🌻🌻

My beautiful Sunflower hope you are too. We can do this. Love you 🌻❤🌻
Best to you Melbrown! Be good to yourself; you deserve it! 💕
Thanks Starrlight. I'm trying ... 💛❤💛
Yes keep trying. I know it’s hard; it’s also hard to feel any good results from taking good care but I say treat yourself anyway because it can make all the difference. 🤗 what can you do nice for yourself do you think?
Think I'll take Hans on a long walk tomorrow. A little fresh air & nature would be good for me. Hans would enjoy it too. We both could use some excerise too. 🐶 Plus it's free.
Enjoy it !! Make sure during this time you give yourself a little treat every day, light a candle, put on your favorite perfume, listen to music that lifts you, etc.!!! I love you!!
Congrats on reaching out and taking this step. It is a big one, but important and necessary to receive the help you need. Assure your boss you have every intention of returning, but need this time to do some healing. It should be viewed just as if you had a medical procedure requiring a couple of weeks of healing. Please try to let go of that guilt and not let it block your healing process. Take care of you and prayers for all to go well.
Thank you. It's hard, but it'll make me a healthier, stronger, better person.💛