So I had one mtg where boss was jerk. Now I have another one this Tuesday with him and already getting anticipatory anxiety. Support please.
Upcoming meeting producing anxiety. - Anxiety and Depre...
Upcoming meeting producing anxiety.
Is your boss a jerk in general, or is this over some specific issue? I'm not being nosy; I'm just trying to get a handle on the situation.
When he's being a jerk just try to go into 'observe' mode. Just focus on whatever your duties are and leave his bad attitude out of it as much as possible. Focus on you and your job - not him and his personality. Maybe that would be helpful.
Is it just you two? Maybe ask if someone can sit in to take notes, either about content or presentation style. Research grounding techniques. Go in knowing he'll be that way and maybe have some key responses lined up to help with boundaries.
I have a boss that is jerk too. I really try to let them dig their own grave. If you are truly doing your job, just listen and agree. If they are mean and nasty-- walk out. I know its not easy, but sometimes you have to stand up for yourself-- respectfully.
Thank you all! It’s a meeting with my boss and her boss. Her boss is the jerk. I have to think that it’s only a meeting and try my best. But the anxiety is the hard part as well.