I'm going thru a depressed state after being so overly happy. I feel worthless and hopeless. Life is nothing but huge struggles for me. Nothing good ever happens! I don't know why. I'm cursed beyond belief. Every time I feel like this I ask God why the hell am I here? To be miserable and get nowhere in life? Just great. I'm sorry everybody I'm just down due to being without my cbd for a few days now. Can't wait till it gets here. Then ill be happy again. Yesterday I made 99 dog treats again and that brought me a lot of joy. I'm rambling again sorry. Anyhoo, I hope you all have the best day!!
Mood swings: I'm going thru a depressed... - Anxiety and Depre...
Mood swings

Hi love dog I understand how you feel I get the same thing happen with cycles of feeling great and then dropping to the point I don't want to go outside! I was wondering can you message me about the cbd and how it works can you take it with your prescription meds and how do you take it ie measure spoons! I hope you feel better soon David
Hi good things do happen to you like having a nice apartment, a caring family, and your dogs. It's just that when you are so down you can only see the negative and not the positive. Things will pick up for you. x
Unfortunately I don't have a dog. That's what really gets me down. Not having a best friend! That's why,ill be volunteering at PAWS so I could be around the dogs. I make homemade biscuits for them. Thanks for the message.
Hello lovedogs!
In May I was where you are now. There’s no way you’re worthless! You must believe that there’s hope, alive today! Your negativity is noted. You have to think positively to be happy! Go to God when things are going well and be grateful! Don’t be sorry for your feelings, it’s ok! Wishing you the best! 🌺

Thanks! It's hard to be positive when bad stuff happens constantly. Once I get my cbd oil ill be happy with no anxiety. Then ill try to be more positive. Thanks
You are the one in control of your life and most of your happiness. If nothing good never happens, make it happen. Do something different, change things. Look for the positive and you will find it, look for negative and it will be your focus and grow. Also, taking magnesium and ginseng help a lot. They get rid of sticky negative thoughts and calm the mind body and spirit. Hope this helps you. =) Tomorrow will be better if you make it so.
I felt like I was talking there I feel the same way with my depression
Oh I don't feel so alone! I'm very sorry you feel the same tho too. Its rough to feel like this so I truly understand how frustrating it can be!! Its still been rough but since getting the cbd I feel at least not suicidal. I'm just frustrated today cause I was around my overly happy mother. She will never understand how any of this feels. I'm always a complainer or an asshole. Anyhoo, please hang in there. Praying we both feel better today or tomorrow. 😄😄🙏🙏