I’m absolutely sad and scared because of my mood swings. I am afraid that I focus too much on my feelings. But they are so extreme and like they are dancing in my face all the time! I aim and search for the settled feelings. The warm feelings that tell me it will be okay and just be in now. Feeling better is worth the continuous effort it takes until it is just really not worth it anymore because it stops working and the depression, anxiety, ocd, panic ptsd and whatever other exhausting thing takes over again and I was away from all of that for a long stretch soooo..... I think my brain thought hey, she’s okay for now so lets help her heal by bringing up the traumas more often and give her more to worry about now that she’s ready to handle it...no I am NOT ready, it’s not fair but maybe I do need to heal still. I don’t know how to let memories be without getting too hurt from them. I don’t know what to do about that......but I think I want to turn to a new chapter. Something happened and I feel I can’t see myself partly because of mistakes I made that I don’t want to admit to but I will admit at least to myself so I feel I can shed something of the past off of me and slip on the better me I hope since I don’t like myself right now. I’m not up to my standards right now. I may just need some ceremony to help make it final that I am clearing away the past and moving forward. I have some white sage to smudge. But I need to be in a mindfrane of believing in it when I do it or it won’t work.
Mood swings : I’m absolutely sad and... - Anxiety and Depre...
Mood swings

2 Corinthians 4:5. These feelings, thoughts are strongholds. They will get better as you change these thoughts. I struggled for a long time with my self esteem, not liking myself, you are precious in God’s eyes. He loves you and you are worthy to be loved. You have to forgive yourself, keep going to God and ask Him to help you forgive yourself because I know you have asked for forgiveness and He has forgiven you and does not even remember what it is that is tormenting you so. Read 1 John 4:18. I will be praying for God to help you and you must keep fighting g for your healing. It will get better. Strong holds are patterns of thinking we build up in our mind, it is a strong hold because it fights not to go away. You must gird up your mind with good thoughts, if there is any virtue anything worthy of praise think on those things. Do not get afraid when the thoughts come back, try to change the thought. Do not become afraid, just keep trying until you can do just that, change the thought. You are ok! God’s blessings.

That is so reassuring. 😊 thank you my friend!!!
I've never related so deeply with the thoughts shared here. Your words, theses words
"I think my brain thought hey, she’s okay for now so lets help her heal by bringing up the traumas more often and give her more to worry about now that she’s ready to handle it...no I am NOT ready, it’s not fair but maybe I do need to heal still. I don’t know how to let memories be without getting too hurt from them. I don’t know what to do about that......but I think I want to turn to a new chapter. Something happened and I feel I can’t see myself partly because of mistakes I made that I don’t want to admit to but I will admit at least to myself so I feel I can shed something of the past off of me and slip on the better me I hope since I don’t like myself right now."
I hope you find your peace and forgive yourself. I hope you find a way to deal with it once for all. I truly believe in you and from the deep of my struggling heart to yours I wish you all the best in the world.
That is amazingly beautiful; all of what you have shared with me. 💕
Thank You for sharing and putting your thoughts here in beautiful words. We are not alone!💕
And thank you for yours! 😊 I feel much less alone.
Dear Starr, we are never alone, even if placed in solitary confinement. It may be pitch dark in there, but no stone walls, steel bars or guards can block Almighty God from comforting you. Nothing! Believe me.
I know this from experience. Not only faithful men in the bible such as Daniel, Jeremiah, Joseph and many others were in such dire straights. Yet they received comfort and support.
In recent times, I read a report from a spiritual "brother" who actually endured TEN YEARS in confinement and remained faithful by filling his mind with positive thoughts from the scriptures of which he was familiar. He continued in a routine which saved his sanity.
I'm not saying you can be cheerful, upbeat and positive while in this "prison" which holds many. But you can pray and even if you fall and hit your head against a stone wall, you will "see stars". Even just a tiny crack of light will enter your cell...Yes, Starr, GOD can rescue us from a cave, just as shown in the news recently. After two long weeks, those young boys must have been scared and weary, but they were found. No doubt there were many prayers...
I could give many details from the reports I have access to but I think you understand all this. Especially when you read GOD'S WORD and other reliable sources. Perhaps I can share links to some of these.
Bottom line, Jehovah is the Hearer of prayer, He never sleeps so you can pray incessantly. Psalm 65:2
Sorry you're having a difficult time, Starr, and hope tomorrow will be much better. Agape
Youve been in my thoughts all day..some great advice and support given in this thread..remember there's a time for everything..my prayers and love to you..you are beautiful and strong..

Awww thank you Ellinaki!!! There’s always beauty in your words; I’m so blessed to know you. I will try my best to believe I am beautiful and strong. How are you doing?
Yes believe it..you are..I'm ok thanks..you feeling better?

💕 thank you Yes feeling somewhat better. Glad u r okay. Hope you are shown much beauty in this day. God bless you.
Feeling overwhelmed now with all I need to do as the greatness of the early morning has faded away. I’m trying to take things one at a time as they come but I’m finding it difficult. It’s piling up and with intense feeling. The good seems to be loosing. I can’t seem to help imagining difficulties to come. I wish I saw life how I did when I first started taking Paxil about a month ago. I felt so free. Time to go back to the psychiatrist tomorrow at least so I’m thinking the dose will be increased. I am hoping it will help because I’m really struggling. Thanks for listening.
I can relate to what you are feeling. It was hard to let go of some things and I had a counselor who came up with an idea that helped me, maybe it will help you. She had me write a letter to my younger self, letting whatever needed to be let go flow into real words on paper. After reading the letter out loud, it was burned as sort of a release of what was written, creating a clean slate of sorts for my life. It allowed relief and self forgiveness. It helped me to let go of things that were keeping me at a standstill in life and move forward again. Make it kind of ceremonial if that helps. Keep fighting for those warm feelings.
Some things of the past are like big secrets that are hard to share and need to be worked on and hopefully not to be a trigger in the process... difficult.
So, I am healing from days of being reckless and the deep guilt I acquired from bad decisions made. I am forgiving myself right now. I am haunted by my brothers suicide that wasn’t my fault although I believe I should have been able to do more for him. I am forgiving him and myself. 💕 I am healing in hope love and with peace
Be here now. there is only now. the past is gone. stay in the present.
Yes I wish I were better at it but still when I am in the present lately I have been in torment much of the time. Very down right now. Feeling defeated.