turns out my doctor and my mom and all of her friends think i tried to kill my self for attention. they think my depression is a joke and i cut for attention. my mom thinks i’m selfish and stuck up and only care about myself. then not even five minutes ago i heard my mom talking bad about me to my dad. i can’t take this anymore
why?: turns out my doctor and my mom... - Anxiety and Depre...

I know exactly what you are going through. The worst thing is when people think it’s a joke.
yeah. because then it just makes you more depressed and you don’t even want to show it because then people will still think it’s for attention
Exactly. I used to cut myself when I was younger. Always where nobody could see. Nobody understood that I did it bc I didn’t want to feel the emotional pain anymore. The only way not to feel the emotional pain was by inflicting physical pain
that’s exactly what i do. i used to cut on my legs until my sister found out and threatened to send me off. i just hate how people don’t take depression seriously.
I think a lot of it is not being educated about it. There are so many things people don’t know about depression. I am going to start flooding my Facebook with facts and info about depression. It is a disease not a choice. There is help out there and I am always here to talk if you need to
I know how you feel my ex was the same way. People don't understand how hard it is living with depression. The only ones who truly understand us are those who are like us.
yeah. everyone always thinks that people who are depressed do it for attention yet we all struggle with depression and no one cares
I live in New York it's probably the worst state to have mental issues in everyone is too scared to try to help someone with depression
yeah. i live in arkansas. it’s pretty bad because everyone doesn’t take depression serious.
Well it's hard bc I literally called the suicide help line near me (bc I'm feeling suicidal) and they put me on hold. I've been waiting for thirty minutes! It's insane
oh my goodness. that’s horrible. if you ever need to talk to someone though, i’m here for you! i’ve tried to kill my self before and it didn’t work out to well if you haven’t noticed. but i’m always here to listen
well i have facebook and email so if you ever need me, i can give them to you
I'm sorry your not being took seriously. That is aweful . Can you get a different therapist? Until things get better remember you have a support group on here.
Ashtonbeavers, that is why it is so important to have a relationship with the Lord God. We have to love our parents inspite of the job we think they are doing. Honor your mother and father the Lord God tells us. He also says, when father and mother forsake thee He will take you unto himself. What this does is free you from needing their approval and allows you to love them inspite of what they do or say. Have you ever heard the saying, forgive them for they know not what they do? The Lord Jesus said that when he was being crucified. Loving your parents inspite of the way they act towards you, frees you from their opinions and allows you to live the abundant life God has called you to live. By the way, God wants you to live and not die. Your healing and deliverance are on the way! Jesus saves to the utmost, call on Him.

Even your doctor???? Shame on them. Perhaps they need to go to a family and friends group sponsored by NAMI ( if in the USA)>
That's absolutely ridiculous there's got to be something else behind it try wrighting a long letter explaining what's going on in your head I would put at the end that you hear what they say about you best of luck hit me up it you ever needing someone to talk to